knowledge Flashcards
conceptual knowledge
knowledge that enables us to recognize objects and events and to make inferences about their properties
includes all possible examples of a particular concept.
“the mental representation of a class or individual” or “the meaning of objects, events, and abstract ideas”
the process by which things are placed in categories.
definitional approach to categorisations
we can decide whether something is a member of a category by determining whether a particular object meets the definition of the category
- Definitions work well for geometric objects but not really well for natural objects –> - not all of the members of everyday categories have the same features
family resemblance Ludwig Wittgenstein
things in a particular category resemble one another in a number of ways. (deals with problem that definitions often do not include all members of a category)
approach allows for some variation within a category
prototype approach to categorisation
eleanor rosch
membership in a category is determined by comparing the object to a prototype that represents the category.
“typical” member of the category. (based on an average of members of a category that are commonly experienced) average” representation of the category
high typicality
closely resembles the category prototype (it is like a “typical” member of the category).
low typicality
the category member does not closely resemble a typical member of the category.
prototype experiment
Rosch and Mervis experiment
- Participants assigned many of the same characteristics to chair and sofa.
- eg. chairs and sofas share the characteristics of having legs, having backs, you sit on them, they can have cushions, and so on.
- When an item’s characteristics have a large amount of overlap with the characteristics of many other items in a category= high family resemblance.
- relationship between family resemblance and prototypicality.
- good examples of the category “furniture,” such as chair and sofa, share many attributes with other members of this category; poor examples, like mirror and telephone, do not.
sentence verification technique
edward smith
determine how rapidly people could answer questions about an object’s category.
- responded faster for objects with higher prototypicality (fruit) than lower prototypicality (pomegranate)
- typicality effect.
- Subjects tend to list the most prototypical members of the category first
- priming
typicality effect
This ability to judge highly prototypical objects more rapidly is called the typicality effect
when presentation of one stimulus facilitates the response to another stimulus that usually follows closely in time
priming case study
- Rosch (1975b) demonstrated that prototypical members of a category are more affected by a priming stimulus than are nonprototypical members.
- Subjects first heard the colour green (primer)
- Two seconds later they saw a pair of colours side by side and indicated, by pressing a key as quickly as possible, whether the two colours were the same or different.
- paired in three different ways:
(1) colours were the same and were good examples of the category (primary reds, blues, greens, etc.;
(2) colours were the same but were poor examples of the category (less rich versions of the good colours, such as light blue, light green, etc.;
(3) colours were different, with the two colours coming from different categories (red with blue). - The most important result occurred for the two “same” groups.
- In this condition, priming resulted in faster “same” judgments for the prototypical (good) colors (reaction time, RT = 610 ms) than for the nonprototypical (poor) colors (RT = 780 ms).
- Thus, when subjects heard the word green, they judged two patches of primary green as being the same more rapidly than two patches of light green.
- When subjects hear the word green, they imagine a “good” (highly prototypical) green
- Thus, the results of the priming experiments support the idea that subjects create images of prototypes in response to colour names.
the exemplar approach
involves determining whether an object is similar to other objects
the standard for the exemplar approach involves many examples
Exemplars= actual members of the category that a person has encountered in the past (i.e examples)
- explains the typicality effect (in which reaction times on the sentence verification task are faster for better examples of a category than for poorer examples) by proposing that objects that are like more of the exemplars are classified faster.
- Exemplars could explain how we still manage to categorise very
untypical members of a category
- use prototype as we start learning about new categories than use exemplar as we get more specific thus prototype for large categories and exemplar for smaller categories
hierarchical organisation
larger, more general categories are divided into smaller, more specific categories, creating a number of levels of categories
the Rosch and coworkers’ (1976) experiment
- list as many features as you can that would be common to all or most of the objects in the category. For example, for “table” you might list “has legs.”
1. furniture 2. table 3. kitchen table - listed only a few features that were common to all furniture, but many features that were shared by all tables and by all kitchen tables.
- Rosch’s subjects listed an average of 3 common features for the global level category “furniture,” 9 for basic level categories such as “table,” and 10.3 for specific level categories such as “kitchen table”
- going (to global) results in a large loss of information (9 features at the basic vs. 3 at the global level) and going below it (to specific) results in little gain of information)
rosch’s approach: basic level categories
the superordinate level ( global level furniture)
the basic level ( “table”)
subordinate level, which we will call the specific level ( “kitchen table”).
the Rosch and coworkers’ (1976) experiment
basic level categories
list as many features as you can that would be common to all or most of the objects in the category. For example, for “table” you might list “has legs.”
- furniture 2. table table
3- common features for the global level category “furniture,”
9 - common features for basic level categories such as “table,”
10.3- for specific level categories such as “kitchen table”
-going (to global) results in a large loss of information (9 features at the basic vs. 3 at the global level) and going below it (to specific) results in little gain of information)
How knowledge can affect categorisation
James Tanaka and Marjorie Taylor (1991)
bird watchers
- asked bird experts and nonexperts to name pictures of objects. There were objects from many different categories (tools, clothing, flowers, etc.),
- experts responded by specifying the birds’ species (robin, sparrow, jay, or cardinal), but the nonexperts responded by saying “bird.”
- experts had learned to pay attention to features of birds that nonexperts were unaware of.
- consider not only the properties of the objects but also the learning and experience of the people perceiving those objects
- Thus, the level that is “special”—meaning that people tend to focus on it—is not the same for everyone.
semantic network approach
Proposes that concepts are arranged in networks, where links connecting the concepts indicate that they are related to one another
collins and quillian’s hierarchical model (general concepts are at the top and specific ones at the bottom)
- first semantic network models
- develop a computer model of human memory.
- network consists of nodes that are connected by links
- Each node represents a category or concept, and concepts are placed in the network so that related concepts are connected.
cognitive economy
Related the semantic network approach, involves storing a property about a concept at a higher level that applies to a number of concepts in the same category.
problem-because not all birds fly. (Collins and Quillian added exceptions at lower nodes.
spreading activation
- activity that spreads out along any link that is connected to an activated node.
- according to the idea of spreading activation, this activation also spreads to other nodes in the network, as indicated by the dashed lines.
what is the result of spreading activation
Additional concepts linked to an activated node become primed and can therefore be retrieved more easily from memory.
Which characteristic of typicality does the semantic network approach not explain?
the typicality effect & cognitive economy
which reaction times for statements about an object are faster for more typical members of a category than for less typical members
- Thus, the statement “A canary is a bird” is verified more quickly than “An ostrich is a bird,” but the model predicts equally fast reaction times because “canary” and “ostrich” are both one node away from “bird.”
-Researchers also questioned the concept of cognitive economy because of evidence that people may, in fact, store specific properties of concepts (like “has wings” for “canary”) right at the node for that concept
lexical decision task
indicate as quickly as possible whether each entry is a word or a nonword.
- The key variable in this experiment was the association between the pairs of real words. In some trials, the words were closely associated (like bread and wheat), and in some trials they were weakly associated (chair and money).
- reaction time was faster when the two words were associated.
connectionism approach
- Cognitive processes are represented by a highly interconnected, neuron-like processing unit.
- parallel distributed processing (PDP) concepts are represented by activity that is distributed across a network
- explain how concepts are learned and how damage to the brain affects people’s knowledge about concepts.
given concepts about the connectionism approach
- The lines are connections that transfer information between units (axons)
- Like neurons, units can be activated by stimuli from the environment, and some can be activated by signals received from other units.
- An additional feature A connection weight determines how signals sent from one unit either increase or decrease the activity of the next unit.
input units
- Units that are activated by stimuli from the environment (or stimuli presented by the experimenter)
input units send signals to hidden units, which send signals to output units.
connection weights
determines how signals sent from one unit either increase or decrease the activity of the next unit.
- weights correspond to what happens at a synapse that transmits signals from one neuron to another
- High connection weights= strong tendency to excite the next unit
- lower weights = less excitation
- negative weights= decrease excitation or inhibit activation of the receiving unit.
Activation of units depend on:
(1) the signal that originates in the input units and (2) the connection weights throughout the network.
principle of connectionism:
A stimulus presented to the input units is represented by the pattern of activity that is distributed across the other units.
How is a connectionism network trained?
As an individual gathers knowledge about a topic, certain connections and unit will learn to respond to categories that are relevant to the topic.
- involves adjusting the connection weights
- weight adjustment is achieved by a “learning process”= when erroneous responses in the property units cause an error signal to be sent back through the network
when errors occur we send signal back through network
- signals are being sent backward in the network starting from the property units.
- The error signals that are sent back to the hidden units and the representation units pro- vide information about how the connection weights should be adjusted so that the correct property units will be activated.
What is graceful degradation?
Disruption of performance occurs only gradually as parts of the system are damaged.
- The operation of connectionist networks is not totally disrupted by damage.
benefits of connectionism
- explain generalisations of learning.
- graceful degradation
semantic dementia
- general loss of knowledge for all concepts.
- equally deficient in identifying living things and artefacts
- anterior temporal lobe (ATL) is generally damaged in these patients
- —-> led to hub and spoke model
hub and spoke model (semantic dementia)
areas of the brain that are associated with specific functions are connected to the ATL (anterior temporal lobe), which serves as a hub that integrates the information from these areas.
damage to one of the specialized brain areas (the spokes) can cause specific deficits, such as an inability to identify artefacts, but dam- age to the ATL (the hub) causes general deficits, as in semantic dementia
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) can temporarily “disable” particular areas of the brain (induce virtual lesion like ATL to assess the cognitive function)
What is the sensory-functional hypotheses?
*reported results from cognitive testing of encephalitis patients (patients with brain inflammation)
- Our ability to differentiate living things and artifacts depends on ability to distinguish sensory attributes and a system that distinguishes function.
- seemed to simplified tho
What is the semantic category approach?
Some areas of the brain are specialised for specific categories (e.g., fusiform
face area, parahippocampal place area), however other areas in the brain are
also important for these categories
Mahon & Caramazza (2011) suggest that a limited number of categories are innately determined because of their importance for survival
- taxi driver bus driver study
What is the multiple factor approach?
Paul Hoffman and Matthew Lambon Ralph
were interested in whether particular
features might help us categorise objects
Study of associations with different types
of objects
• Animals associated with colour and motion
• Artifacts associated with performed action
• Mechanical devices overlapped with both
artifacts and animals
When members of a category tend to share many properties.
Animals tend to share many properties
• Artifacts tend to share less properties
• Could animals be more difficult to identify because of this?
have trouble distinguishing specific categories cos they have so many similarities
what is the embodied approach
Our knowledge of concepts is based on reactivation of sensory and motor processes that occur when we interact with the object.
Rizzolatti and colleagues (1992) made a discovery…
• Single-cell recordings of neurons in the pre-motor cortex
• The neurons fired when the monkey reached for food
• The same neurons also fired when the monkey watched the
experimenter reach for the food, but did not move itself
- mirror neurons –> When we view an object or action, or even read an associated
word, we “simulate” our own experience through activation of the motor and sensory areas of the brain
- 42 year old ex biology teacher
- word-finding difficulties and reduced comprehension
- semantic errors when talking (e.g., saying fork instead of knife)
- everyday memory was good
- On testing she had difficulty with naming and spelling.
- Mental arithmetic, grammar, visuospatial skills and insight were intact.
- Repeat CT brain scan showed bilateral temporal pole atrophy
- diagnosed with a type of Frontotemporal Dementia: Semantic Dementia:
- Often mistaken for a language disorder, this disease affects more than just language – it affects knowledge
when you show people an image which category do people use in regards to hierachy categorisation
basic categories
used sentence verification technique to demonstrate this (they respond more to basic level) psychologically privileged category BUT can get more specific if they hold extensive knowledge about the subject