Know how to safeguard vulnerable children and adults in sport Flashcards
What is safeguarding?
Ensuring the safety of all ppts when they are in your care
How should you protect yourself from allegations of abuse?
Avoid 1:1 situations
Ensuring appropriate ratios
How to effectively recruit staff?
info such as DBS checks and national insurance should be checked
How to effectively train staff?
they should be given in-house training to make sure they are aware of policies
What are clear lines of accountability?
Staff knowing chain of command and people they should report issues to
What are arrangements to share information?
Be aware of organisations that you should liase with such as NSPCC
What are clear safeguarding policies?
Policies should be available for all staff to access
What is a designated safeguarding lead?
Ensure all staff are aware of who is in charge through posters etc
What are the four types of abuse?
What are the signs of physical abuse?
Refusal to undress
What are examples of physical abuse?
Bruising on body
Deliberate drowning
What are the signs of emotional
Speech impediments
What are example of emotional
Pressure to perform
Name calling
What are the signs of neglect?
Loss of weight
Lack of energy
Poor hygeine
What are examples of neglect?
Using unsafe equipment
Ignoring care needs