Knee Flashcards
Chondromalacia patella
Often called anterior knee pain and/or patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS).
What causes Chondromalacia patella?
It is due to the softening or degeration of the articular cartilage on the under surface of the patella.
Symptoms and PE of Chondromalacia patella:
Anterior knee pain that becomes worse after prolonged sitting, climbing, jumping, or running. Also a/w +/- catching sensations. Able to hear/feel grinding “noises” of the knee. Mild swelling, tenderness and crepitus.
Labs and Tests for Chondromalacia patella
Initial studies are plain xrays→ most helpful views are standing AP, lateral, and Merchant or sunrise. Xrays and MRI will generally be negative.
Treatment of Chondromalacia patella
Treatment can be conservative, include activity modifications, and quadriceps/hamstring muscle strengthening activities. Can also use a knee sleeve/brace, NSAIDs, Ice/heat or do a knee arthroscopy/alignment procedure.
Malalignment of Patella
Almost always occurs laterally, Common in females in 20s
Mechanism of Malalignment of Patella
Mechanism of direct blow to patella and knee in flexed position or powerful contraction of quadriceps. Causes tearing of the restraining retinacular tissue and patellofemoral ligament. Valgus force and external rotation of tibia applied to flexed leg.
Presentation and Treatment of Malalignment of Patella
Patella almost always dislocated laterally. Immediate mobilization, strengthening, immobilization in cast for 6 weeks, rehab, arthroscopy, sx or patellar realignment
Pain associated with Malalignment of Patella
Pain and apprehension when patella is pushed, fleck of bone present on medial side
Bursae lie between the skin and bondy prominences or between tendons, ligaments and bone. They are lined by synovial tissue, which produces a small amount of fluid to decrease friction between adjacent structures.
Prepatellar Bursistis
Trauma and/or chronic pressure or friction causes thickening of the synovial lining. Swelling is outside the knee.
Symptoms and Common Findings of Prepatellar Bursistis
Localized swelling (extraarticular), pain with direct pressure and sometimes with activity. Usually full ROM of knee, +/- tenderness upon palpation.
Imaging for Prepatellar Bursistis
Can take but not needed; AP, Lateral, Sunrise
Treatment for Prepatellar Bursistis
NSAIDS, Ice, Rest, Compression, Activity modification, Aspiration/corticosteroid injection (increased risk of infection), bursectomy, I&D.
Collateral Ligaments
MCL and LCL. Ligaments stabilize the knee against medial and lateral stressors.
Cause of Collateral Ligament Injuries
Injuries caused by valgus/varus stress w/ or w/out rotation.
Symptoms and Exam for Collateral Ligament Injuries
Localized swelling or stiffness w/ tenderness. Pain with ambulation, +/- instability. May have joint line opening with valgus/varus stress test at 0 and/or 30 degress.
How is swelling noted in a MCL injury?
How is swelling noted in a LCL injury?