KnB Normal Gait Flashcards
Gait Cycle Mnemonic
I Love Many Types of Pussy In My Tesla
- I
- Initial Contact
- Love
- Loading phase
- Many
- Midstance
- Types of
- Terminal stance
- Pussy
- Pre swing
- In
- Initial swing
- My
- Mid swing
- Tesla
- Terminal swing

Gait basics:
- Cyclical
- coordinated jt motion, sensory INput, motor OUTput
- “controlled forward fall”
- coord
- balance
- strength
- sensory INput
- jt integrity
Stance phase is
Swing phase is
Gait BEGINS and ENDS w/ what?
Consecutive ground contact of SAME FOOT
2 Phases of Gait Cycle:
- Stance
* Time reference foot is on GROUND
* 60^
- Stance
- Swing
* Time reference foot is NOT TOUCHING GROUND
* 40%
- Swing
Limb phases of gait
- Double limb support
TWO brief pds when BOTH limbs in contact w/ ground
- 20%
TWO brief pds when BOTH limbs in contact w/ ground
- Single limb support
Rest of cycle
- 80%
Rest of cycle

Stance Phase
Rancho Los Amigos
60% of Gait
I Love Many Types of Pussy
Initial contact
Loading response
Terminal swing
What are the Tasks of Stance Phase?
- support/fall prevent
- wt. acceptance
- shock absorb
- force prod. to produce forward progress
Normal Gait “Rockers”: 3
Only in STANCE !!!
- Heel rocker
- Ankle rocker
- Forefoot rocker

Initial Contact
moment foot touches floor
- Heel contact
- proper pos. of foot to begin stance phase

Loading Response
IC until opposite foot comes OFF floor
*1st of TWO double limb support pds
- wt. acceptance, shock absorption

*start of Single limb support
- Begins when non-reference (opp. foot) lifts off and continues until body is aligned directly over foot on ground
- progression from heel-ankle rocker
- momentum transfer

Terminal Stance
- Concludes single limb support
- Begins when reference limb heel rises and ENDS when opp foot hits ground
- progression of body PAST forefoot rocker

*Reference leg ABOUT TO swing
- 2nd of 2 double limb support phases
- BEGINS w/ IC of opp foot and ENDS w/ toes off on reference limb
- position limb for swing

Swing phase
Rancho Los Amigos
In My Tesla
- Initial swing
- Mid swing
- Terminal Swing
Tasks of Swing Phase
- limb clearance
- Limb placement
- momentum transfer
Initial Swing
- begins w/ lift off of reference foot ENDS w/ ref foot is just OPP non-ref stance limb
- limb advancement, foot clearance

- STARTS when ref limb is OPP non-ref stance limb ENDS when the tibia is VERT to ground (ref leg)
- limb advance, foot clearance

Terminal Swing
- BEGINS when tibia is vertical to ground, ENDS w/ next initial contact
- completeslimb advance,preps limb for wt acceptance

NO wt. acceptance during________
Stance phase!!!
Step length===
dist b/w ground contact of one foot TO opp foot
Stride length ====
1 complete gait cycle
dist. b/w consecutive steps
Clinical issues related to Foot angle and Gait
- pigeon toed
- INCs motion needed @ ankle (talocrural) jt
- narrows BOS
- DECd motion needed @ ankle BUT INCs subtalar motion
Time-Distance Parameters
Stride (cycle) time
1.0-1.2 m/sec
Time-Distance Parameters
Stride Length
Time-Distance Parameters
Step Length
.56-1.1 m
Time-Dist parameters
Step Width
Time-Dist parameters
90-140 step/min
Time-Dist parameters
.9-1.8 m/sec
Tips for Gait Analysis
- Dynamic process
- think about direction things are moving, NOT STATIC POS.
- Be clear w/ eccentric vs. concentric
- gait is mostly eccentric ****
- Recognize that in stance we are talking Closed Chain and in swing we are talking Open Chain
Ankle in terms of Gait
Talocrural joint
Subtalar joint
just inferior to Talocrural
These 2 joints are crucial in transmitting rotational forces b/w foot (horizontal) and leg (vertical)
Subtalar (talocalcaneal)
Initial Contact
Sagittal plane
Goal: proper pos. to begin stance w/ heel rocker
- MTP== up to 25o EXT (DF)
- Ankle== neutral
- Knee== neutral
- Hip== 20o flex
- Pelvis== 5o ant. rot.
- Trunk== neutral

Forward facilitation ==> Heel Rocker
IC–> Loading Response
Sagittal Plane
- shock absorb
- stable wt accept
- preserve progression via heel rocker
- MTP== 25ext—> neutral
- Ankle== 0 –> 10 PF (eccentric DF)
- Knee== 0–> 20 flex
- Hip== 20 flex
- Trunk== neutral
LR—> Midstance
progression from heel to ankle rocker
- keeps COM over BOS
- forward progress. of HAT
- via hip and knee EXT
progression from heel to ankle rocker
- MTP== neutral
Ankle== 10 PF–> 5 DF
- closed chain
- tibia moving forward
- Knee== 20 flex–> neutral
- Hip== 20 flex–> neutral
- Pelvis== moves to neutral
- Trunk== neutral

MST–> Terminal Stance
- progress of body past the forefoot rocker
- contralat. limb catches forward fall
- MTP== neutral–> 20 ext
- Ankle== 5–> 10 DF
- Knee== neutral
- Hip== 0–> 20 EXT
- Trunk== neutral

TST–> Pre Swing
- pos. limb for swing (limb advance)
NOTE: despite “swing” preswing is STILL A STANCE SUBPHASE
MTP== 20–> 55 EXT
- closed-chain
- Ankle== 10 DF–> 20 PF
- Knee== 0–> 40 flex
- Hip== 20 ext–> neutral
- Trunk== neutral
Initial Swing:
- limb advance
- Foot clearance
- MTP== neutral
Ankle== 20–> 5 PF
- leg shortening
Knee== 40–> 60 flex
- leg shortening
Hip== 0–> 10 flex
- leg shortening
- Trunk== neutral
ISW–> Mid Swing
- limb advance
- foot clearance
- MTP== neutral
- Ankle== 5 PF–> neutral
Knee== 60–> 30 flex
- make leg long again
Hip== 10–> 20 flex
- make leg long again
- Trunk== neutral
MSW–> Terminal Swing
- fulfills limb advance needs for forward progress
- preps limb for wt accept.
- MTP== neutral–> 25 ext
- Ankle== neutral
- Knee== 30–> 0 flex (neutral)
- Hip== maints 20 flex
- Trunk== neutral
Sagittal plane drives _______
Initial Contact
Frontal plane
Subtalar=== inverted
Foot=== supinated
Knee=== neutral
Hip/pelvis=== neutral
Trunk=== neutral
LR–> Midstance
Frontal Plane
Subtalar=== everted
Foot=== pronated
Knee=== neutral
Hip=== neutral–> 5 adduction
Pelvis=== elevated
Trunk=== neutral
Terminal Stance
Frontal plane
Subtalar== neutral
Foot== neutral
Knee== neutral
Hip/Pelvis== neutral–> 5 Adduction
Trunk== neutral
NOTE: Subtalar joint
Motion in Stance
- motion in Stance allows foot to adapt to varied surfs.
- Transfers tibial rotation to the foot in the form of inversion/eversion
Subtalar joint
Eversion (Closed Chain)
- tibia medially rotates
- talus add’s
- calcaneus everts
- usually causes knee flex
Subtalar Joint
Inversion (Closed Chain)
- Just like SUPINATION
- tibia laterally rotates
- talus ABD’s
- calcaneus inverts
- Usually causes Knee Extension
- rigid foot
Subtalar Joint
mostly passive
unlocks midtarsal jt to allow flexible forefoot to adapt to contact surf.
after IC and peaks early Midstance
Subtalar Joint
Inversion (forefoot rigid and locked)
- begins TSw
- Peaks first in IC
- peaks again PSw
- neutral in MSw
Midtarsal or “arches”
- Arch flattens
- Midstance w/ pronation
- Arch restored
- as heel rises/PSw w/ supination
LR–> Midstance
transverse plane
Femur== IR 5-7
tibia== IR 5-7
Midstance–> Term stance
transverse plane
femur== ER to neutral
tibia== ER to neutral
In stance, ______________ are acting to COUNTER the __________
Muscles Forces (internal moments) acting to COUNTER the GRF’s (external moments)
IC–> Loading Response

Sag. plane mm control

LR–> Early Midstance
Sag. plane mm control


Early Midstance–> Late Midstance

Hip and Knee negligible
- Ankle
- ext moment== DF
- Int moment (mm)== PFs
- mm activity == Eccentric
**mostly momentum here**
Terminal Stance

Pre Swing

Key Points for Swing Phase Muscular Control
- NO EXT moments bc Open Chain
- Primary role of mm’s of LE
control momentum of swinging limb
- mostly eccentric
- maintain clearance of foot
control momentum of swinging limb
- Magnitude of mm contract depends on gait speed
- Secondary role of LE mm’s is to control limb in all planes and pos. properly for NEXT IC and WBing
Initial Swing


Terminal Swing

Tib ant
EDL + peroneus
- begins IC to LR
- eccentric control of foot slapping down
- peaks again PSw to MSw
- concentric to clear foot
*mechanical advantage bc easier to contract FIRST
- Initiates DF act. in PSw
Tib Ant
- produces greatest amt of torque
PF’s and control of Talocrural joint
- Soleus + Gastroc == 93% PF torque
soleus first THEN gastroc @ end of LR
- eccentric
- rises thru Midstance
- declines in PSw bc DFs want to pull UP foot so PFs relax
soleus first THEN gastroc @ end of LR
Other PF’s
*FHL prod’s most torque of these 5
LR–> Midstance
Frontal Plane
- Subtalar/foot
- ext mom== PRO (subtalar eversion)
- mm’s== TP, TA, FHL, FDL
- Eccentric
- Knee
- ext mom== varus
- mm’s== IT band
- passive tension
- Hip
- ext mom== ADD.
- mm’s==
- eccentric
Midstance–> Term Stance
- Subtalar/Foot
- ext mom== pro–> sup
- mm’s== inverters
- concentric
- Knee
- ext mom== varus
- mm’s== IT band
- passive tension
- Hip
- ext mom== add.
- iso/eccentric
Pronation w/ IR of Knee

Supination w/ ER of Knee

LR–> Term Stance
- Tibia
- mom== IR-ER
- lat. HS, ACL controls IR
- eccentric
- Femur
- mom==IR
- Glute max, piriformis, hip ERs
- eccentric
Path of Center of Mass during Gait
- Biphasic
- low and centered
- moves SUP and IPSILAT (stance foot)
- drops
- rises
DECd gait speed=====
DECd arm swing