Knapping techniques from Paleolithic to Bronze Age Flashcards
3.3 MYA
Lomekwi 3 in Kenya to obtain cutting edge
1.7 MYA
Acheulean tools
- Bifaces to shape hand axes and cleavers
350,000-40,000 BP
Early-Mid Paleolithic concepts brought by Neanderthals
- Alternating platform technique: edge strucked two-sided to create sharp edge for bifacial chopping tools
- Hard/soft percussion application to create sharp edges on the flint’s center
- Thinning out artefact with soft percussion with preparation work to obtain right angle
Levallois technique in Middle Paleolithic
- Prepared cores to create long wide thick flakes with lateral edges
- Triangular points end
40,000 BP
Upper Paleolithic introduction of blades
- Prismatic narrow shape
- Crested blade = first removed blade
- Aim for maximum regular blades from one core
- Rejuvenated core = creating a new striking platform, but blades become shorter after rejuvenation
- Blade lengths are x2 of its width
- Bladelets = width <12 mm
12000-8000 BP
- Microliths (small stones)
- 2-4 cm produced by punch technique
- Micro burin technique
- Retouched for triangles and points
- Tranchet axe: narrow side and drilled through
7000-4000 BP
- Less attention to preparing cores
- First flint mining
Bronze Age
- Flint are poor quality in settlement; but crafted in grave context
Modern period
1820 - Flint locks for guns
1823 Fire lighter