Klausur Flashcards
What Definitions for Strategic Decision Areas exist?
Peanut Butter French Toast
o Tactics vs. strategy use of engagements (Clausewitz)
o Five p ́s (Mintzberg)
o Being different to deliver a unique value (Porter)
o Pattern of decisions (Andrews)
What Characteristics for Strategic Decision Areas exist??
o Big picture
o Medium to long-term
o Target-setting
o Planning
How does the Management Cycle Look like?
Target -> Plan -> Execute -> Control
Draw the Decision Areas
Draw the IT Processes
What Pressures growing of industrialization?
Differentiation pressure vs. Cost pressure
What Phases of industrialization?
Y Unit Cost
X Volume
Art/Craft (Today)
- > Manufactory
- > Factory
- > Mass production
Processes (Manual->Mechanised->Automated->Standard) Output (Unique->Series->Product->Mass Product) Catchment Area (Local->Regio->Nat->Global) Deg. of vertical integration = High
How can you Decouple via Products?
o By application area (Management/storage products for applications)
o By location (Network-access products for different locations)
o By user group (Access products for end users)
What Vertical Disintegration strategies exist?
o Spin-off (Internal IT Provider as independent enterprise)
- Expectations: Financials, Stateoftheart, Soc
- Multinational Migration with progressive flexibility
o Outsourcing (Medium/Long Term Relocation to external Provider)
- Expectations: SoA, Financials, Performance Pressure
- Failure Reasons: Partner Selection, Contract Design
=> Only outsource what you can successfully manage yourself
o Offshoring (reloc labour-intensive services into countries w/ low labor costs)
- Expectations: Financials, Quality, Capacity
- Risk: Language, tech. complex
Diagram for Make or Buy
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Disintegration Diagram
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Whats the MAIN objective or IT Governance?
Balancing efficiency and effectivitiy
What are the Key Topics of IT Governance?
o Establishment of objectives: rights and responsibilities (who makes decisions, resp.?) o Decision-making (which org. reporting lines need to be est.? What incent. mechan.?) o Compliance (which external standards must be adhered to? Which internal policies?) o Culture (How to embed gov. structure into mngt. culture?)
IT is Traditionally undermanaged. What are the Symptoms?
o Management (!IT-Strat oder nicht gelebt; Unclear objectives; endless debates on organisation and responsibilitites) o Projects (Adhoc Firefighting; Pet Projects -> Leichen im Keller; Project overlaps) o Systems (Historisch gewachsen, inconsistent and incompatible, opps and saving potential cannot be realised)
IT Governance: Whats inside the Subject?
o Assigment of Roles; Respons; Decision; Ownership
o Org setup
o Est. corresponding processes
o Setting “Rules of the game”, std, policies
IT Governance: Whats inside the Objective?
o Decision Making, Will forming
o Implementation, Incentives
o Controling/Monitoring
IT Governance: Typical Topics
o Strat Orient
o Invest M.
o Performance M.
o Integrity M.
IT Governance: Inherent Goal Conflicts and how to balance them
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Solution Approach to Inherent goal conflicts
< Separation of commoditiy functionalities (e.g. Accounting in SAP> < Stable service architecture > < Coordinated decision making > < Incentivizing corporate objectives > < Differntiated provider strategy > < Transparceny, value controling > < Transparceny, Risk M. >
Name typical Governance Processes
o Portfolio M. -> Prio of initiatives
o Risk M. -> Ensuring Project success
o Data M. -> Data Consistency and Quality
Typical committees of IT Governance in larger org
o Managing Board Meeting -> budget Planning
o Investment Committee
o Portfolio Prio -> Roadmap
Typical standards and policies (IT Governance)
o Service Portfolio -> Reuse and redundancy redu
o Security Policy -> Protection from external attacks
o Process Model -> Reduction of Project Risk
IT Organization Why is there a trend towards decentral/balanced models?
o Internal IT Low performing until 90s
o 40 year-old trend to divisionalize
- H(func) -> V(div)
Draw Forces at Work (Separating demand from supply)
Critical prcoesses (effectiveness): Know-how intensive, success through customer focus, specific process knowledge
Critical processes (efficiency): Resource intensive, success through industrialization, EoS