Kite Runner Flashcards
the short hair that grows on a man’s face if he has not shaved (= cut the hair) for a few days:
an offensive word for a very unpleasant or stupid person:
to leave home secretly in order to get married without the permission of your parents:
(an act of) having sex with someone who is not your husband, wife, or regular sexual partner:
marital/sexual infidelity
She could not forgive his many infidelities.
a person who suffers very much or is killed because of their religious or political beliefs, and is often admired because of it:
feeling very sorry and guilty for something bad that you have done:
contrite apology
to pluck
to pull something, especially with a sudden movement, in order to remove it:
sit on a grass and pluck it!
a person who behaves in an extremely stupid way
Someone’s nemesis is a person or thing that is very difficult for them to defeat.
not conscious of something, especially what is happening around you:
time that never ends or that has no limits:
They haven’t been given these rights for (all) eternity - they should justify having them just like most other people have to
to pretend to have a particular feeling, problem, etc. :
You know how everyone feigns surprise when you tell them how old you are
a word or phrase that you use to show that you love someone
to have a strong desire for something:
I’ve been hankering for a cuppa coffee.
continuing in a severe or extreme way:
Relentless pursuit of wealth and power: thomas shelby
To cackle
to laugh in a loud, high voice:
A group of women were cackling in a corner.
a close-fitting covering to protect something:
The cable has a copper wire surrounded by a plastic sheath.
Ice sheathed the roads.
to (cause to) change from a solid, frozen state to a liquid or soft one, because of an increase in temperature:
Allow the meat to thaw completely before cooking it.
The sun came out and thawed the ice.
to make a long, deep cut in something, especially the skin on a part of the body:
She slipped on a rock and gashed her knee.
to hate a way of behaving or thinking, often because you think it is not moral:
I abhor all forms of racism.
to Pant
to breathe quickly and loudly through your mouth, usually because you have been doing something very energetic:
Matteo arrived at the top of the hill, panting and covered in sweat.
When small children and animals scamper, they run with small quick steps:
The children scampered off into the garden.
causing feelings of sadness, sympathy, or sometimes lack of respect, especially because a person or an animal is suffering:
having a loud and high sound that is unpleasant or painful to listen to
to say something suddenly, and without thinking of the results
Hassan hurled the rock at Assef
to throw something with a lot of force, usually in an angry or violent way:
to move in a way that is not regular or normal, especially making sudden movements backwards or forwards or from side to side:
The train lurched forward and some of the people standing fell over.
a mark with no particular shape that is caused, usually by accident, by rubbing something such as ink or a dirty finger across a surface:
Her hands were covered in dust and she had a black smudge on her nose.
angry because of something that is wrong or not fair:
She wrote an indignant letter to the paper complaining about the council’s action.
He became very indignant when it was suggested he had made a mistake.
honest, not able to deceive:
She regarded him with wide, guileless blue eyes.
in an unabashed way (= without any worry about possible criticism):
an unabashedly romantic story
the outer edge of an area:
Houses have been built on the periphery of the factory site.
the less important part of a group or activity:
Many women feel they are being kept on the periphery of the armed forces.
in a way that is very quick and slightly rude:
Steve answered curtly and turned his back on me.
to step awkwardly while walking or running and fall or begin to fall:
Running along the beach, she stumbled on a log and fell on the sand.
In the final straight Meyers stumbled, and although he didn’t fall it was enough to lose him first place
to step awkwardly while walking or running and fall or begin to fall:
Running along the beach, she stumbled on a log and fell on the sand.
In the final straight Meyers stumbled, and although he didn’t fall it was enough to lose him first place
solving problems in a sensible way that suits the conditions that really exist now, rather than obeying fixed theories, ideas, or rules:
In business, the pragmatic approach to problems is often more successful than an idealistic one.
to laugh and talk about a person or idea in a way that shows that you think they are stupid or silly:
The critics scoffed at his paintings.
Years ago people would have scoffed at the idea that cars would be built by robots.
doing something dangerous and not worrying about the risks and the possible results:
He was found guilty of reckless driving.
The thing about you Afghanis is that … well, you people are reckless
to give up something such as a responsibility or claim:
He has relinquished his claim to the throne.
She relinquished control of the family investments to her son.
wrong or false:
an erroneous belief/impression
to move quickly, with small, short steps:
The mouse scurried across the floor.
The noise of the explosion sent everyone scurrying back into their homes.
After 9/11 happened, us bombed afghanistan, and Taliban scurried like rats into their caves