Homo Sapiens Flashcards
in a strong and emotional way
seeming to be everywhere
Happening sometimes, not regular.
Black swan event is a sporadic one.
wanting to discover as much as you can about things, sometimes in a way that annoys people:
a state of punishment that goes on for ever, believed in some religions to be suffered by evil people after death
because it is necessary
a long, narrow open hole that is dug into the ground, usually at the side of a road or field, used especially for supplying or removing water or for dividing land
Vicious people or actions show an intention or wish to hurt someone or something very badly:
a vicious dog
George Floyd has undergone a vicious attack by a police officer
Not interesting
kindness when giving a punishment:
continuing without any possibility of being stopped:
Inexorable progress of science
not able to see clearly things that are far away
unable to understand a situation or the way actions will affect it in the future:
Their myopic refusal to act now will undoubtedly cause problems in the future.
If two or more things coalesce, they come or grow together to form one thing or system.
The theory is that galaxies coalesced from smaller groupings of stars. I
To disavow
to say that you know nothing about something, or that you have no responsibility for or connection with something:
He disavowed his earlier confession to the police.
an extremely small amount:
I haven’t seen one iota of evidence to support his claim.
To amalgamate
to join or unite to form a larger organization or group, or to make separate organizations do this
The electricians’ union is planning to amalgamate with the technicians’ union. I
something that is very helpful and improves the quality of life:
the ability to produce a lot of crops, fruit, babies, young animals, etc.:
To chime
(of bells) to make a clear ringing sound:
To scribble
to write or draw something quickly or carelessly:
Anguish (noun)
extreme unhappiness caused by physical or mental suffering:
(of an act) intending to hurt badly, or (of a person or animal) likely to be violent:
(of a person) having a lot of different sexual partners or sexual relationships, or (of sexual habits) involving a lot of different partners:
Serene (serenity)
peaceful and calm; worried by nothing:
To crave
to have a very strong feeling of wanting something:
very ordinary and therefore not interesting:
Short shrift
If you get or are given short shrift by someone, you are treated without sympathy and given little attention:
He’ll get short shrift from me if he starts complaining about money again, now that I know how much he earns!
to change or arrange something again, in order to improve it:
To debunk
to show that something is less important, less good, or less true than it has been made to appear:
To compel
to force someone to do something:
help given to someone, especially someone who is suffering or in need:
the ability to understand an event or situation only after it has happened:
With (the benefit/wisdom of) hindsight, I should have taken the job.
having little value or importance:
to lack or be without something that is necessary or usual:
developing quickly:
the quality of being careful when using money or food
She was known for her simplicity and frugality.
They taught that frugality must be observed in food and clothing