Kinship and Kin recognition Flashcards
discriminative parental care
cognitive or physiological mechanisms will evolve for recognizing offspring, but only if there is risk of error.
breeding colonies of bats, after pup is born the mother hangs it from the cave roof and goes to forage. Moms recognize pup’s smells and sounds
swallows discrimination
cliff swallows- discriminate parental care. young often leave nest and move around, so parents will recognize chick’s voices and face before care. the chicks themselves have more variety in their sounds
barn swallows- non discriminate parental care. rare to find another chick in their nest, they’re very dispersed. no parental recognition, will accept fosters.
lambs discriminatory care
mother ewe will inspect her lamb at birth, learns its individual odour and rejects all other lambs so she’s not parasitized.
what sort of discriminations would parents make?
- phenotypic quality: can this offspring convert parental investment into parental fitness?
- quantity and need: how much difference will this investment make?
- identity: is this my offspring?
human examples of discrimination
parentage matters, more resources given to genetic offspring
offspring quality matters some parents may abandon or kill offspring
direct kin
offspring and grand offspring
other kin
any other relatives who arent direct descendants.
coefficient of relatedness
% of genes that are shared by individuals of common descent.
r for parent to offspring?
r for grandparent - grandoffspring?
r for first cousins?
Hamilton’s Rule
if rB-c > 0, then altruism will occur
alarm calls
vocalizations that alert other animals to danger. callers usually suffer a cost because they draw attention to themselves, but others around them benefit since they can escape.
ground squirrels alarm calling
dispersal is sexually asymmetric. females remain close to natal burrow, but males disperse. females are expected to alarm call more since they are around more of their relatives.
kin recognition
the ability to identify relatives, and assess genetic relatedness. permits kin selection