Kingdom Protista Flashcards
General Description
- eukaryotic
- mostly microscopic, unicellular and aquatic
Animal-like Protists (protozoa) examples
Paramecia, Amoeba
Animal-like Protists (protozoa) miscellaneous facts
- parasites to humans
- ie. Trypanosoma can cause African sleeping sickness, carried by Tse Tse fly
ie. Plasmodium causes malaria which is carried to humans by mosquitoes
Animal-like Protists (protozoa) feeding pattern
feed using vacuoles and act as parasites in larger organisms
Animal-like Protists (protozoa) cell structure
unicellular, ovoid, may have cilia
Animal-like Protists (protozoa) movement
Can move with cilia, flagella or have amoeboid (pseudopod) movement
Animal-like Protists (protozoa) reproduction
usually asexual reproduction, some sexual
Plant-like Protists (algae) examples
Algae, Spirogyra
Plant-like Protists (algae) miscellaneous facts
Not very pathogenic to humans, but can make toxins that affect the body or have allergies
Plant-like Protists (algae) reproduction
Usually asexual, sometimes sexual
Plant-like Protists (algae) movement
Move with flagella or not at all
Plant-like Protists (algae) cell structure
Unicellular or multicellular; have chloroplast
Plant-like Protists (algae) feeding patterns
Fungi-like Protists feeding patterns
heterotrophic decomposers who feed on surface they grow on
Fungi-like Protists cell structure
- single cells tend to stick to each other
Fungi-like Protists movement
In different parts of life cycle may be motile and non-motile
Fungi-like Protists reproduction
Reproduce sexually using spores
Fungi-like Protists miscellaneous facts
- Like cool moist places
- Usually non pathogenic but can cause major allergic reactions and can make toxins that can affect the body
Fungi-like Protists examples
slime moulds & water moulds