kingdom fungi Flashcards
what is nuclear mitosis?
membrane does not break, nuclear spindle is formed within nucleas and mitosis occurs in the nucleus
what is coenocytic mycelium?
the mycelium is unseptate and multinucleate
what is septate mycelium?
the mycelium is septate and the hyphae are divided (the cells maybe uninucleate or multinucleate)
explain how fungi’s take in nutrition.
fungi’s are heterotrophs ,, they are either saprophytic ,, parasitic or symbiotic.
saprophytic mode : it occurs when a fungi feeds up on dead organisms.
parasitic mode : it occurs when fungi absorb their food from other organisms with the help of special structures called haustoria. (obligate parasite ,, facultative parasite ,, predator fungi)
symbiotic mode : it occurs when fungi makes an association with other organisms and they both are mutually benefited
lichens form in a manner that thallus of algae and fungi cannot be distinguished but their reproductive organs resemble. in lichens ,, fungi absorb water and salts to supply to supply it to algae while the algae supplies food material to fungi.
they usually grow on rocks ,, tree trunks ,, soil surface.
they’re flat and branched and have colours such as orange, brown, white, green and sometimes black. they’re bio-indicators of air pollution
mycorrhizal fungi and it’s types
fungi forms an association with the roots of higher plants. the hyphae of fungi increase soil contact and help in absorption of important substances, meanwhile, the plant supplies organic compounds to fungus.
(a) endomyccorhizae : it is occured when the hyphae of fungi penetrates into the root cells of plant.
(b) ectomyccorhizae : it is occured when the hyphae of fungi surround the roots but do not penetrate.
reproduction (asexual)
fragmentation :: hyphae is divided into many small pieces called fragments. these fragments develop into a new mycelium.
budding :: small bodies are produced from the cell and further later ,, they’re seperated from their parent cell and grow into new fungi’s.
spore formation :: spores are produced from a special reproductive organ called sporangia. they’re haploid and without flagella. they germinate during favourable conditions.
advantages of fungi
food :: mushrooms are used as various food in different countries ,, yeast is used in bakeries ,, penicilium is used in cheese industry.
acids and alcohols :: from aspergillus, many acids are prepared such as citric acid ,, penicilium is used to obtain alcohol ,, yeast is also used to synthesize beer.
medicine :: from penicilium, world-fame antibiotic penicilin is isolated ,, yeast is used to prepare vitamin B.
soil-fertility :: fungi decompose dead bodies of other living organisms due to which many compounds are added to soil, hence, increasing the fertility of soil.
atmosphere cleaners :: fungi feed themselves on dead bodies of animals and plants, therefore, they’re also called cleaners.
disadvantages of fungi
food spoilage :: many fungi are saprophytes which is why they destroy our food.
plant diseases :: many fungi attack our crops and cause a heavy loss.
animal diseases :: fungi’s are also responsible for producing many diseases in man and animals.
ring worm fungi causes diseases of hair, skin and nail in man.
poisonous mushrooms :: many mushrooms are harmful to man and can cause death.
spoilage of leather and paper goods :: saprophytic fungi destroy // damage timber, leather goods, fibres and paper