King Richard and King John: Quiz Flashcards
What were the ranks of the Feudal System?
Barons / Tenants-in-Chief
What were two features of the Feudal system?
The King owned land. Sub-divided it to Barons.
Barons provided Knights for Knight Service. 40 days protecting the King’s castle for free, two months in the King’s army, using own equipment.
What were two features of the Church?
The Church was part of the Feudal system. They 20% of land in the country.
The Church were expected to provide care for people. They were supposed to carry our marriages, baptisms and funerals in return for the land they got.
What do the words, “homage, vassal and oath of loyalty” mean?
Doing homage meant officially saying you would respect being bossed around by the person above you.
If you were someone’s vassal than the person you were the vassal of was your superior (boss)
An oath of loyalty was an official way of doing homage.
What were two features of life in a village?
Land was divided into strips. The strips of land were farmed and different crops were on each strip.
People would go to Church on Sunday this was expected.
What were two features of life in a town?
There was lots of trading. People joined guilds and if you were part of a guild, you could trade goods freely.
Each town had its own charter, meaning it sort of set its own rules.
What were three taxes that existed in Medieval times.
Forest Fines. These were fines given by the King to anyone who was hunting, living or poaching on land he kept for himself.
Tallage. This was a tax paid by people who were living officially on the King’s own land.
Wardship fines. These were paid by the sons of Barons if they wanted to inherit land from their deceased (dead) father when they became adults. King John raised them by 300%.
What was a Crusade?
A crusade was an attempt to capture Jerusalem called by the Pope. The Third Crusade was an attempt to recapture Jerusalem from Islamic armies
King Richard I went on the Third Crusade and took an army of 17,000 men.
What was one positive and one negative attitude that people had towards Crusaders?
Richard I was looked up by people, he saw him as a defender of the faith. They saw the Crusade as him being the King he was supposed to be.
People hated the cost. If you didn’t go on the Crusade, you were made to pay a tax called the Saladin tithe.
What were the big reasons for King John’s downfall?
Conflict with the Pope.
Conflict with the Barons.
The Barons War against John.
Why did King Philip of France play a role in John losing Normandy?
Philip attacked Normandy straight away at the start of John’s time as King - forcing John to make himself Philip’s vassal.
Philip bribed supporters, such as Prince Arthur, with promises of land in Normandy.
Philip was also clever enough to gain territory in short bursts - for example, Anjou and Maine - that surrounded Normandy. This put pressure on John because he was feeling increasingly trapped and his resources were stretched.
How did John lose Normandy through losing allies?
Hugh de Lusignan was a strong soldier on John’s side. He switched sides to Philip when John stole his fiance - Isabelle of Angouleme.
John lost lots of Barons’ support for his brutal killing of Prince Arthur.
John lost an important military general, William des Roches, by not crediting him for his role in the capture of Prince Arthur.
How did John make military mistakes in Normandy?
In the final battle for Chateau Gailliard in 1204, John was slow in getting his men to reenforce his General, William Marshall. The tide of the river slowed him down.
John gave up too soon. In 1204, he still controlled Rouen, the capital of Normandy - he could have stayed and fought.
How did John upset the Barons by losing Normandy?
John’s behaviour, such as the way he murdered Arthur, disgusted the Barons.
John losing Normany was a shame as it was something England had had since the Norman invasion in 1066.
Why did the conflict with the Pope upset the Barons?
Split their loyalty.
The Barons had to choose to stay loyal to John and keep their land or stay loyal to the Pope in order to get to heaven.
Why were the Barons upset with John’s taxes?
John increased Wardship fines by 300%.
John kept calling scutages. These were supposed to be rare.
Why did the Battle of Bouvines in 1214 anger the Barons?
The Battle was a disaster.
What were two features of the Magna Carta?
Habeas Corpus. No more unfair justice and fair trials for people.
Council of Barons. 25 in the Council and the Council would grant permission for scutages.
What was the story of the Barons War?
Context: John came back from Bouvines and was forced to sign the Coronation Charter. He didn’t want to and stalled and then tried to negotiate.
Beginning: The Barons raised an army led by FItzwalter. John freaked and signed Magna Carta.
Middle: John got it declared illegal soon after. The Barons went to war and invited Prince Louis of France to become the new King of England.
End: Prince Louis turned up in early 1216. He started undoing all of John’s early victories. John died in 1216 with Prince Louis still in the country.
How did John’s experience in the Barons War change?
October 1215: John successfully sieged (captured) Rochester Castle in Kent, giving him control over the south of the country.
In Spring 1216, only London was in rebel Barons hands.
Turning point was Louis invading in May 1216. His army attacked Rochester Castle and took it. People switched sides to Louis.
John died in October 1216 of dysentery after crossing marshland in Norwich.