kinetics. Flashcards
`What is collision theory?
The idea is that for a chemical reaction to occur, particles must collide with energy greater than or equal to the activation energy and in the correct orientation.
What is an ineffective collision?
When particles collide in the wrong orientation or when they don’t have enough energy and bounce off each other without causing a chemical reaction.
What is a successful collision?
When particles collide with sufficient energy to results in a reaction. (and orientation).
What is collision frequency and how does this relate to reaction rate?
The collision frequency is the number of collisions per unit of time. when more collisions take place per unit of time, the number of particles with energy greater than or equal to the activation energy increases. this leads to more successful collisions and an increase in the rate of reaction.
What is the Activation energy?
For a reaction to take place, the reactant particles need to overcome a minimum amount of energy. this energy value is called the activation energy.
What is an Exothermic reaction?
A reaction where the enthalpy (energy change) of the teaching system decreases. the enthalpy change is negative and energy is transferred from the reacting system to the surroundings.
What is an Endothermic reaction?
A reaction where the enthalpy of the reacting system increases. the enthalpy change is positive and energy is transferred to the reacting system from the surroundings.
What is an enthalpy profile diagram?
A diagram where the change in reaction enthalpy can be detailed.
How does Increasing temperature affect the rate of reaction?
increasing temperature increases the kinetic energy of particles. this increases the frequency of collisions and a greater proportion of collisions will succeed the activation energy and have enough energy needed to react. this gives more successful collisions.
How does increasing the concentration of a solution affect the rate of reaction?
increasing the concentration increases the rate of reaction as there are a greater number of particles available to react. therefore the frequency of collisions increases and so there is a higher proportion of successful collisions.
How does increasing the pressure of gases in a reaction affect the rate of reaction?
- Increasing the pressure of a reaction involving gases forces the gas particles closer together. this will increase the frequency of particle collisions and therefore successful collisions and will increase the rate of reaction.
- When adding more of the gas to increase the pressure, there are a greater number of particles available to react. therefore the frequency of collisions increases and so there is a higher proportion of successful collisions.
How does increasing the surface area of a solid affect the rate of reaction?
increasing the surface area of solid reactants increases the number of particles that are exposed and available to react and as a consequence this increases the frequency of particle collisions and successful collisions, increasing the rate of reaction.
How does using a catalyst affect the rate of reaction?
Using a catalyst provides an alternative route for the reaction, with a lower activation energy. this means that particle collisions need less energy for a reaction to occur and more particles have enough energy to succeed the activation energy and react, increasing the rate of reaction.
What is Maxwell- Boltzmann distribution?
a graph that shows the number of particles and distribution of their energies at a certain temperature.
Where is the most probable energy of particles on a M-B distribution graph?
usually the peak of the curve.
Where is the mean energy of particles on a M-B distribution graph?
to the right of the peak of the curve.
What does the area under the curve of the M-B distribution represent?
number of particles.
Why does the M-B graph start at the origin?
because no particles have zero energy
Why doesn’t the M-B graph touch the x-axis?
because there is no upper limit to the energy of particles/
How does increasing the temperature affect the M-B distribution graph?
At higher temperatures, the curve flattens and shifts to the right. however the area under the curve stays the same due to the same number of particles being present.
How does decreasing the temperature affect the M-B distribution graph?
At lower temperatures, the cure steepens and has a high peak to the left of the graph. the area under the curve remains the same.