Kinds Of Memory Flashcards
What does learning result in?
Formation of memories
Non-associative & Pavlovian learning, memory formed leads to change in responsiveness - explain this neurally
Memory takes the form of changes in strength of synaptic connections between neurons in sensorimotor pathways that mediate stimulus-elicited behaviour
What does sensorimotor mean?
(Organisms are sensorimotor systems) : things come into contact with our sensory surfaces and then our motor actions respond
Pavlovian & non-associative memory is what kind of memory?
Non-declarative memory
What does Declarative memory include?
form of memory involving (conscious) recall of experiences and facts; recalled items can be communicated to another person (declared)
Another word for declarative memory
Explicit memory
How is declarative memory held? Can it be retrieved?
In a store (memory) and can be retrieved (recalled/remembered) and described in words
Example of declarative memory - how would it work?
You know that something is the case, demonstrate by declaring it. Thus, e.g., the capital of England is London
Define Non-Declarative memory
memory that can’t be remembered; information can’t be recalled into consciousness or expressed in words/declared to others.
Example of non-declarative memory - how would it work?
You know how to do something, demonstrated only by doing it as you can’ t really declare it; e.g., Simple conditioning (Little Albert e.g.,)
Another word for non-declarative memory
Implicit memory
Declarative memory retrieval involves conscious or unconscious remembering?
Conscious remembering
Can Non-declarative memory be retrieved?
No - nothing is retrieved from anywhere
How is Non-declarative memory shown? (2)
1) Non-declarative memory is demonstrated in characteristics of stimulus-elicited response after training, 2) Through use of the circuitry involved
Name the 2 types of memories
Declarative & Non-declarative