Kindergarten Concepts Flashcards
What is a diagraph in English
A digraph is two letters combined to make a single sound in written or spoken English. The digraph can consist of consonants and vowels. These shouldn’t be confused with a blend of two letters in spoken English, where each letter makes a distinct sound rather than combining to make one sound.
Examples of consonant digraphs include “ch”, “ng”, and “th”. Examples of vowel digraphs include “ea”, “oa”, and “ue.”
What is a consonant blend in English?
A consonant blend is a combination of consonants that are placed together without being separated by a vowel. The most common consonant blends are combinations of two or three consonants together at the beginning or end of a word.
Furthermore, the letters in a consonant blend work together to make one sound, but all the individual letters can be heard within the pronunciation.
The most common 2-letter consonant blends are: bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, sl, br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr, sc, sk, sm, sn, sp, st, sw, and tw.
Here are some words with 2-letter consonant blends:
Bl: blank, black, blue, blister, blight, blast
Fr: fried, French, frank, frolic, frigid
St: stare, store, stir, sty, stick
Cl: cluster, cloister, clip, clown, clothes