KIN 100 Lab Exam 1 Flashcards
Upper appendicular skeleton
Which ligament connects the clavicle to the manubrium of sternum?
Anterior sternoclavicular ligament
Which ligament connects the clavicles to each other?
Interclavicular ligament
Which ligament connects the clavicle to the ribs?
Costoclavicular ligament
Which ligament connects the acromion and the clavicle?
Acromioclavicular ligament
Which ligaments connect the clavical to the coracoid process?
coracoclavicular ligament
Which ligaments connect the scapula to the humerus?
Glenohumeral ligaments; superior, middle, inferior
Which ligaments connect the coracoid process to the humerus?
Coracohumeral ligaments
Rhomboid Major
Origin: Thoracic spine
Insertion: medial border of scapula (spine to inferior angle)
Action: medial (downward) rotation/ retraction (adduction) of scapula
What is the fibrocartilagenous rim that is attached to the glenoid cavity?
Glenoid labrum
Origin: occipital bone/ ligamentum nuchae/thoracic spine
Insertion: clavicle, scapular spine and acromion
Action: elevation/depression/ retraction/lateral (upward) rotation of scapula
Rhomboid Minor
Origin:cervical/thoracic spine
Insertion: medial border of scapula
Action: medial (downward) rotation/ retraction (adduction) of scapula
Levator Scapulae
Origin: cervical spine
Insertion: medial border (superior angle/medial end of scapular spine)
Action: elevation of scapula
Pectoralis Minor
Origin: ribs
Insertion: coracoid process of scapula
Action: depression/ protraction/medial (downward) rotation of scapula
Origin: rib
Insertion: clavicle
Action: depression/protraction of scapula
Serratus Anterior
Origin: ribs
Insertion: anterior medial border of scapula
Action: protraction/lateral (upward) rotation of scapula
Pectoralis Major
Origin: sternum/clavicle/ribs
Insertion: greater tubercle/ lateral lip of intertubercular groove of humerus
Action: adduction/medial rotation/extension/flexion of humerus
Latissimus dorsi
Origin: thoracic/lumbar/ sacral spine
Insertion: floor of intertubercular groove of humerus
Action: adduction/medial rotation/extension of humerus
Origin: clavicle/scapula (acromion/scapular spine)
Insertion: deltoid tuberosity
Action: flexion/extension/abduction/ medial rotation/lateral rotation of humerus
Origin: Coracoid process
Insertion: medial shaft of humerus
Action: flexion/adduction of humerus
Teres major
Origin: inferior angle of scapula
Insertion: medial lip of intertubercular groove
Action: extension/adduction/medial rotation of humerus
Teres minor
Origin: lateral border of scapula
Insertion: Greater tubercle of humerus
Action: adduction/lateral rotation of humerus
**part of rotator cuff
Origin: infraspinous fossa
Insertion: greater tubercle of humerus
Action: lateral rotation of humerus
**part of rotator cuff
Origin: supraspinous fossa of scapula
Insertion: greater tubercle
Action: abduction of humerus
**part of rotator cuff
Origin: subscapular fossa
Insertion: lesser tubercle of humerus
Action: medial rotation of humerus
**part of rotator cuff
What are the bones of the hand?
Scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, hamate, capitate, trapezoid, trapezium, metacarpals, phalanges (distal, middle, proximal)
Which ligament connects the medial epicondyle and the ulna?
Ulnar collateral ligament
Which ligament wraps the radial head and ulna?
Annular ligament
Which ligament connects the lateral epicondyle and the radius?
Radial collateral ligament
What piece of cartilage is between the ulna and triquetrum?
Articular disc
Which ligament connects the styloid process of the ulna and the 5th metacarpal?
Ulnar collateral ligament
Which ligaments connect the radius with both rows of carpal bones?
Palmar radiocarpal ligaments
Which ligament connects the styloid process of the radius with the scaphoid and trapezium?
radial collateral ligament
Biceps brachii long/short head
Origin: long- supraglenoid tubercle, short- coracoid process
Insertion: radial tuberosity
Action: flexion at shoulder and elbow/supination (by lateral rotation of radius at radioulnar joints) of forearm/hand
Origin: anterior side of humerus
Insertion: ulnar tuberosity/coronoid process
Action: flexion at elbow
Origin: lateral epicondyle of humerus
Insertion: styloid process of radius
Action: flexion at elbow
Triceps brachii long/medial/lateral head
Origin: long- infraglenoid tubercle; medial- posterior surface of humerus; lateral- lateral surface of humerus
Insertion: olecranon of ulna
Action: extension at elbow, long head- plus extension/adduction at shoulder
Origin: posterior side of lateral epicondyle
Insertion: lateral surface of ulna/olecranon
Action: extension at elbow
pronator teres
Origin: medial epicondyle of humerus
Insertion: lateral side of radius
Action: pronates forearm/hand, flexion at elbow
flexor carpi radialis
Origin: medial epicondyle of humerus
Insertion: base of 2nd/3rd metacarpals
Action: flexion/abduction at wrist
Palmaris longus
Origin: medial epicondyle
Insertion: palmar aponeurosis/flexor retinaculum
Action: flexion at wrist
flexor carpi ulnaris
Origin: medial epicondyle
Insertion: pisiform/hamate/base of 5th metacarpal
Action: flexion/adduction at wrist
Flexor digitorm superficialis
Origin: medial epicondyle/coronoid process of ulna
Insertion: bases of middle phalanges 2-5
Action: flexion at proximal interphalangeal/metacarpophalangeal/ wrist
Flexor digitorum profundus
Origin: anterior surface of the ulna
Insertion: bases distal phalanges 2-5
Action: flexion of distal interphalangeal/ proximal interphalangeal & wrist (lesser extent)
Flexor pollicis longus
Origin: anterior shaft radius
Insertion: base distal phalanx of thumb
Action: flexion at joints of thumb
Extensor carpi radialis longus
Origin: lateral surface of humerus
Insertion: base of 2nd metacarpal
Action: extension/abduction at wrist
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
Origin: lateral epicondyle of humerus
Insertion: base of 3rd metacarpal
Action: extension/abduction at wrist
Extensor carpi ulnaris
Origin: lateral epicondyle of humerus
Insertion: base 5th metacarpal
Action: extension/adduction at wrist
Extensor digitorum
Origin: lateral epicondyle
Insertion: posterior side phalanges 2-5
Action: extension at finger joints/wrist
Extensor digiti minimi
Origin: lateral epicondyle via extensor tendon
Insertion: posterior side proximal phalanx of pinky
Action: extension at little finger/wrist
Abductor pollicis longus
Origin: posterior side ulna/ radius
Insertion: base of 1st metacarpal/trapezium
Action: abduction at joints of thumb/wrist
Extensor pollicis brevis
Origin: posterior surface of radius
Insertion: base of proximal phalanx of thumb
Action: extension joints of thumb/abduction at wrist
Extensor pollicis longus
Origin: posterior surfaces ulna
Insertion: base distal phalanx of thumb
Action: extension at joints of thumb, abduction at wrist
Extensor indicis
Origin: posterior surface of ulna
Insertion: posterior surface proximal phalanx of 2nd finger
Action: extension/adduction of index finger
What does hypothenar mean?
Pinky side of hand
What does thenar mean?
Thumb side of hand
Adductor pollicis
Action: adduction of thumb
Flexor pollicis brevis
Action: flexion/adduction of thumb
Opponens pollicis
Action: opposition of thumb
Abductor pollicis brevis
Action: abduction of thumb
Opponens digiti minimi
Action: flexion at 5th metacarpophalangeal joint, brings digit in opposition w/ thumb
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
Action: flexion at 5th metacarophalangeal joint
Abductor digiti minimi
Action: abduction of little finger/flexion at it’s metacarpophalangeal joint
Action: flexion at metacarpophalangeal joints; extension at proximal/distal interphalangeal joint
What 5 major nerves come from the brachial plexus?
Axillary, radial, musculocutaneus, ulnar, median
What does the axillary nerve innervate?
Skin at shoulder/shoulder joint, deltoid and teres minor
What does the radial nerve innervate?
posterior lateral surface of upper extremity, all extensor muscles, supinator and 2 flexors at elbow
what does the musculocutaneous nerve innervate?
anterior muscles of brachium, posterior lateral surface of arm
what does the ulnar nerve innervate?
medial third of hand, 2 muscles of forearm and intrinsic muscles of hand
what does the median nerve innervate?
radial portion of palm, flexors of forearm, most muscles of thumb
Pronator quadratus
Origin: anterior ulna
Insertion: anterior radius
Action: pronates forearm/hand