KhanAcademy & AAMC Flashcards
Inability to resist sleep
Just World Phenomenon
Self-serving Bias
- good things happen to good people and vice versa
- notion that we, ourselves, could never commit horrible acts/we are internally good
Fundamental Attribution Error
others in “out-group” behave a certain way because of inherent personal traits or flaws, while our “in-group” would only behave that way because ofsituation/surroundings
Factors that Influence Conformity (within a group)
- groups of 3 to 5
- unanimity (Asch’s line study)
- group status
- group cohesion (whether you are connected to the group)
- observed behavior
- public response
- prior commitments (if stated something up-front)
- feelings of insecurity
- NOT determined by personality traits
- mood: those having a rough day are LESS likely to conform than those having a good day
Social Facilitation
the presence of others will increase the dominant response of a particular behavior (due to increased arousal/nerves)
ex. if you practiced your presentation repeatedly, the presence of others will help you perform, but if you didn’t practice, the presence of others will hinder your performance
Locus of Control
Internal - belief that you can control outcomes (those with an internal locus of control are often more successful)
External - belief that outside forces control your fate (ex. blaming teacher for poor test score)
Learned Helplessness
an uncontrollable series of bad events => a prolonged perception of a lack of an internal locus of control => helpless behavior even when do have the opportunity to control an event
(apply to those in poverty, homelessness, incarceration, with disabilities)
Tyranny of Choice
having too many choices negatively impacts cognition or behavior
- information overload
- decision paralysis
- inc. regret
Mediating Variable
underlies the observed relationship between an independent and dependent variable
“Based on the homophily principle, people often prefer mixing with those who are similar to themselves.”
remember Operant Conditioning: Behaviorism - Skinner Box a) variable ratio b) variable interval c) fixed interval d) fixed ratio
i-iv) positive/negative punishment/reinforcement
a) Variable ratio is a reward after a randomized number of responses
b) Variable interval would be a reward after a random amount of time
c) Fixed interval is a reward after a set period of time
d) Fixed ratio would be a reward after a set number of responses
i) Positive refers to adding a stimulus
ii) Negative refers to removing a stimulus
iii) Punishment refers to the decrease of a behavior
iv) Reinforcement refers to the increase of a behavior
Extinction Burst
When an animal no longer receives regular reinforcement, its original behavior will sometimes spike/increase dramatically - this is known as an extinction burst (Operant Conditioning)
Systems of the Working Memory Model:
image on word document
Central Executive - supervises the cognitive process of memory
Articulatory Rehearsal Component - (had minimal effect on the test since there was not enough time for rehearsal before the subject was required to repeat the digit string)
Phonological Store - it is believed that the phonological store capacity is around 2 seconds
remember Type I vs. Type II Error
- Type I error, or a false positive, is the incorrect rejection of the null hypothesis
- Type II error, or a false negative, is the incorrect acceptance of a null hypothesis that is actually false
The Link Memory System
Utilizes order and connections (links) to facilitate memory recovery - is not a chunking technique
remember Classical Conditioning:
- Conditioned stimulus (CS)
- Unconditioned response (UR)
- Conditioned response (CR)
- Unconditioned stimulus (US)
a conditioned stimulus/response is the one introduced by the researchers
Longitudinal Study
Longitudinal studies observe groups of individuals over an extended period of time, taking multiple measurements of behaviors
Cross-Sectional Study
A cross-sectional study is observational and involves comparisons of different population groups within a single point in time (ex. assessments completed at the end of courses)
Within-Subject Study
Within-subjects refers to an experimental study where all subjects are exposed to every experimental condition or treatment
Personality Theories:
a) Psychoanalytic
b) Behavioral
c) Biological
d) Humanistic
a) Psychoanalytic personality theory is focused on the subconscious mind and unconscious desires
b) Behavioral personality theory is focused on the environment and how it shapes personality and behavioral responses
c) Biological personality theory is focused on genetic, structural, or functional determinants of personality
d) Humanistic personality theory is focused on the pursuit of highest potential and the ability to determine one’s own future
Skeletal muscle paralysis - occurs in the REM stage of sleep
Thought to be a mechanism to keep us still while our brains are active
Sleep spindles are little bursts of high frequency brain activity and are associated with maintaining tranquility during sleep. In what stage do they first occur?
the N2 stage of sleep