Kaplan Txtbk (mostly Ch.8-12) Flashcards
Social Facilitation
individuals tend to perform at a different level when others are around
loss of self-awareness in large groups (or due to other factors)
Bystander Effect
when in a group, individuals are less likely to respond to a person in need
Group Polarization
the tendency of a group to make more extreme decisions than any one individual would
the tendency of a group to make decisions based on the ideas that arise within the group, without considering outside ideas - may affect ethics b/c pressure to conform and remain loyal to the group
(the 8 factors that are indicative of group think are on p.299)
a group or individual’s culture begins to melt into another culture
- can be slowed by the creation of ethnic enclaves: locations with a high concentration of one specific ethnicity
the encouragement of multiple cultures in a community - enhances diversity
a group of individuals within a culture that distinguish themselves from the primary culture to which they belong
- can lead to the case of counterculture: when the subculture deliberately opposes the norms of the prevailing culture
the process of developing and spreading norms (boundaries of acceptable behavior), customs, and beliefs - remember Primary vs. Secondary on p. 305
extreme disapproval or dislike of a person or group based on their perceived differences from the rest of society
any violation of norms, rules, or expectations within a society
Conformity vs. Compliance
Conformity (aka the majority influence) - changing beliefs/behaviors to fit into a group
Compliance - changing behavior based on the direct requests of others (remember the foot-in-the-door, the door-in-the-face, the lowball, and the that’s-not-all techniques)
Functional Attitudes Theory
there are 4 functional areas of attitudes that serve individuals in life
- knowledge (knowing the attitudes of others helps to predict their behavior)
- ego expression
- adaptability (socially acceptable attitudes)
- ego defense
Elaboration Likelihood Model
attitudes are formed and changed through different routes of information processing based on the degree of elaboration => central vs. peripheral (shallow) route processing
- message characteristics
- source characteristics
- target characteristics (of the listener - especially important factor)
Social Cognitive Theory
attitudes are formed through observation of behavior, personal factors, and environment
the “real” self vs. the “ideal” self
who I am vs. who I want to be, respectively
Michelangelo phenomenon
the ideal self can be “sculpted” with help from others
Social Loafing
individuals tend to put in less effort when in a group setting than individually
Cognitive Dissonance
- the simultaneous presence of two opposing thoughts or opinions - leads to a state of discomfort that can be minimized by changing or justifying actions/thoughts
identity shift effect: when an individual’s state of harmony is disrupted by the threat of social rejection, they change to conform to the norms of the group (the mechanism behind peer pressure)
remember the results/significance of the following:
a) Salmon Asch’s Conformity Exp.
b) Milgram Studies
c) Stanford Prison Exp.
a) tested individuals conformity to the opinions of a group - asked to compare lines
b) tested the extent to which average/every-day individuals would go to “just follow order” - teachers instructed by experimenter to shock learners - 65% shocked all the way
(the MCAT rarely asks about the names of experiments, but be able to apply the results of the experiment to a similar setup)
Labeling Theory
labels given to individuals affect not only how others respond to that person but also how they perceive themselves
Differential Association Theory
the degree to which one is surrounding by ideals which adhere to social norms vs. go against social norms
- deviance can be learned through intimate interactions with others
Strain Theory
an attempt to explain deviance as a natural reaction to the disconnect b/t social goals and the ability to achieve those goals within the social structure
relating to moods, feelings, and attitudes
Social Construction Model
emotions are solely based on the situational context of social interactions
Display Rules
unspoken rules that govern the expression of emotion