KFP COPY Flashcards
Initial pregnancy consult examination? (9)
- Always ○ BP - Initial visit ○ Height, weight, BMI ○ Dental check ○ Thyroid exam ○ CVD - listen for murmurs ○ Breast Exam ○ Abdomen - uterus size ○ CST if due ○ Urine - proteinuria (or ongoing if high BP, renal disease)
Investigations for initial pregnancy consult? (9)
○ Blood group
○ Genetic screening
○ CST ○ Rubella ○ Urine MCS ○ Syphilis ○ Hepatitis B/C - HIV
NOT INCLUDED = Abdo blds + thyroid (UEC, LFT, TSH)
Initial Pregnancy visit - Management advice (6)
- Influenza vaccine at any time (even if patient had for that year)
- Iodine 150mcg daily
- Folic acid 0.5mg daily (or 5mg if high risk)
- 30 mins exercise, mod exercisex5 ○
- Diet - Avoid Vitamin A, mercury, caffeine (2 cups coffee)
Who gets an early OGTT in pregnancy? (7)
And when?
14 weeks
DM, PCOS, ATSI, PHx, BMI >30, age 40+, multiple pregnancy, previous impaired fasting BGL,
Ethnicities - SE Asian, Maori, Pacific Islanders
RF for PE? (6)
Pregnancy BMI >30 Malignancy Immobilisation/Recent surg COCP Thrombophilia
Relevant history prior to breast ca consult? (8)
- Previous breast problems/Ix/Rx
- FHx
- Pregnancy history
- Recent breast trauma
- Nipple changes
- Nipple discharge, ducts + bleeding
- Breast pain
- Breast lump
Mod risk breast ca screening demographics and Mx?
- 1 of below = Normal Risk
- 2 of below = Moderate risk and increase screening
> 2 relatives (same side)
First degree relative
<50 yo at Dx
- Annual screening from 40yo
- Repeat every 1-2 years until 50, then go to normal
- Refer to family cancer clinic for genetic testing
High risk breast ca screening demographics and Mx?
(Two first degree <50yo)
- Family cancer clinic
Nipple trauma/crack Mx (5)
- Feed from non sore breast first
- Pump express on affected side to maintrain supply
- Simple analgesia
- Break suction with finger when feeding
- Referral to lactation consultant for optimal fit
- Hydrogel to nipples or breast milk to soften before feed
- Ice pack to nipples when not feeding
Engorged breast Mx (4)
- Avoid giving baby other fluids
- Cold packs after feeding
- Wake baby for feed if more than 4 hours
- Use a good comfortable bra
- Simple analgesia
- Massage breast towards nipple whilst feeding
Mastitis non pharm Mx (4)
- Paracetamol
- Express after feeds if still in pain
- Drain affected side first
- Cold packs after feeds
- Lactation consultant to optimise fit
Nipple Pain DDx (6)
- Poor positioning/latching (most common cause)
- Breast pump (shield wrong size/suction too high)
- Breast engorgement
- Nipple vasospasm (worse with cold)
- Eczema/Psoriasis
- Mastitis
- Candida
Intermenstrual bleeding causes (6)
- Recently starting contraception, missed pills, continuous use of active pills without having regular withdraw bleeds
- Medicines impacting on OCP metabolism (st john’s wort, grapefruit juice)
- Cervical/Endometrial cancer
- Cervical ectropion
- Uterine polyp
- Pregnancy implantation
- Vaginal trauma
Post-coital bleeding causes (5)
- Cervical cancer
- STI (chlamydia commonly)
- cervical polyps
- cervical ectropion
- atrophic vaginitis
- Vaginal or vulval cancer
- Vaginal trauma
Causes of splenomegaly (5)
CHF Cirrhosis Amyloidosis Thalassaemia Leukemia Portal vein aneurysm
Causes of primary amenorrhoea (6)
- Constitutional delay in puberty
- Prolactinoma
- Mullerian Agenesis - imperforate hymen
- Turner Syndrome - gonadal dysgenesis
- Pregnancy
- Eating disorders (anorexia nervosa)
- Adrenals - Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, CAH
- Ovarian tumour
Investigations of primary amenorrhoea (6)
- FSH, LH, testosterone (PCOS), prolactin, TFT, b-hcg
2. Pelvic US
Causes of secondary amenorrhoea (6)
- Pregnancy
- Lactation
- Menopause/Premature ovarian failure
- Contraception SE
- Hyperthyroidism
- Prolactinoma
- Excessive exercise
Investigations of secondary amenorrhoea (6)
- FSH, LH, estradiol, prolactin (only if nipple discharge), TFT, b-hcg
- Pelvic US
Contraindications for COCP (9)
- Pregnancy
- Migraines with aura
- PHx VTE or FHx <45 yo with VTE
- PHx Oestrogen dependent tumours (breast, ovarian)
- DM > 20years duration
- Severe liver cirrhosis
- Smokers >35 yo (>15 cigarettes/day) or quit in last year
- Breastfeeding <6 weeks postpartum
- Uncontrolled HTN
- Multiple CVD RF’s
- Postpartum up to 6 weeks
- Thrombogenic mutations (factor V Leiden, Protein C and S deficiencies)
Side effects of COCP (5)
- Breakthrough bleeding
- Nausea, headache,
- breast tenderness
- Abdominal bloating, fluid retention
- Acne, excess body hair
- Mood swings, depression,
- decreased libido
CI to implanon? (4)
- Breast cancer in last 5 years
- Developing stroke/IHD during use
- Severe Liver disease
- Unexplained suspicious vaginal bleeding
SE of Depot Provera (4)
- Delayed return of fertility (up to 1 year following cessation)
- Persistent menstrual irregularity
- Slight increase in osteoporosis (long term use)
- Weight gain (3kg in first year)
CI to IUD (5)
- Previous PID, ectopic
- Breast Ca Hx
- Current chlamydia infection
- Malformation of the uterus
- Unexplained vaginal bleeding - suspicious
SE/Risks of Mirena? (4)
- Breakthrough bleeding
- Expulsion
- Uterine wall performation on insertion (0.1%)
Increased risk of ectopic pregnancy and PID
Colposcopy referral indications (4)
- HPV 16/18 detected
- HSIL detected
- HPV any type in immune-deficient
- Recurrent HPV present - 3rd time (3 strikes)
○ Only 2 strikes if:
□ 50+yo
- Overdue for screening by 2+ years
Who is not eligible for self collection CST? (4)
Previous high risk
Dysmenorrhoea Ix (4)
- bhCG
- Transvaginal U/S
- FBE: infection,
- STI screen
Dysmenorrhoea causes (6)
- Endometriosis/Adenomyosis
- Fibroids/Uterine leimyoma
- Ovarian cyst
- Cervical stenosis
- Retained tampon
- Endometrial ca
Dyspareunia causes (6)
Vaginismus Vulvodynia Endometriosis PID/STI Vaginal atrophy Dermatological - lichen planus/sclerosus, psoriasis Cervical ectropion
What groups of people need early OGTT? (6)
Causes of infertility (8) - Female
- Endometriosis
- Fibroids/Polyps
- Premature menopause
- Hypothyroidism
- Prolactinoma
- Illicit drugs
- Recent Depot Provera
Subfertility Ix to consider - female (7)
- Day 1-3 FSH and estradiol – Checks for ovarian reserve
- Day 21 progesterone - anovulation
- Prolactin - if discharge
- Free androgen index + free testosterone
- TFT’s
- HIV/Rubella
- Anti Mullerian Hormone - contraversial
- Pelvic US - 5-10 of cycle
- STI screen
Causes of infertility (6) - Male
- STI ○ Mumps - Varicocele - Testicular ca - Klinefelter syndrome - Recent radio/Chemotherapy ○ Testicular injury - Low sperm count - Poor sperm motility - Hyperprolactinemia - Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (Kallman)
Premature menopause secondary risks? (4)
Osteoporosis CVD Infertility Depression Autoimmune disease
Lifestyle advice for menopause? (6)
- Loose fitted clothing, avoid waxing/shaving
- Weight loss + exercise
- Avoid smoking, ETOH, spicy foods
- 1300mg calcium diet/day
- 400IU Vit D daily
- Yoga
Cyclical combined HRT options (2)
Mirena IUD + daily 0.75mg oestradiol gel
12 days 200mg micronised progesterone + daily 0.75mg oestradiol gel
Continuous combined HRT options (2)
Mirena IUD + daily 0.75mg oestradiol gel
25 days 100mg micronised progesterone + daily 0.75mg oestradiol gel
CI to HRT? (6)
○ 60+ yo ○ Previous breast cancer ○ Previous endometrial cancer ○ Uncontrolled HTN ○ High risk VTE/Stroke ○ Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding - Significant liver disease (relative)
Increased risks with HRT (5)
- Breast cancer increase - tiny (not oestrogen only)
- Ovarian/Endometrial cancer increase
- Stroke
SE of HRT (3)
○ Breast tenderness
○ Change in menstrual bleeding
○ Nausea + bloating
- Irritation of skin if using patches
Types of Rx for menopause? (5)
- tibolone
- clonidine
- gabapentin/pregabalin
Causes of menorrhagia? (8)
PCOS Pregnancy/Miscarriage Hyperprolactinaemia Thyroid dysfunction (hypo) Uterine fibroids (leiomyomas) Polyps Endometriosis/Adenomyosis Cancers: uterine and cervical PID Endometritis Coagulation disorders
Investigations for menorrhagia? (8)
Pregnancy test TFT FBE iron studies bhCG coag studies (APTT, INR, fibrinogen) STI screen CST US Pelvis - day 5-10
Treatment options for menorrhagia? (6)
- TXA oral 1g 6-8hrly for first 3-5 days
- Mirena
- Medroxyprogesterone 150mg IM every 12 weeks
- Norethisterone 5-10mg QID until bleeding settles
- Endometrial ablation
- Hysteroscopy D+C
When to refer menorrhagia? (6)
- Fibroids >3cm
- Persistent bleeding >6 months despite treatment
- Tamoxifen use
- > 12mm thickness in pre-menstrual
- Suspected endometriosis/adenomyosis
- Concurrent dysmenorrhoea
- Polyps
Miscarriage Ix? (5)
Group and hold Transvaginal pelvic US Serial hcg - 48hrs FBE Kleihauer (if more than 10 weeks)
Risk Factors for miscarriage (6)
Advanced maternal age Smoking Illicit drugs Overweight/Underweight T2DM Previous miscarriages Septate uterus Hyperthyroidism
Risk Factors for Ovarian Ca (5)
- Nulliparity
- FHx
- Mirena use
- Smoking
- HRT use
- NIL breastfeeding
Secondary risks with PCOS? (4)
- T2DM
- Infertility
- Endometrial cancer
- Hirsutism/Acne
PCOS Mx (7)
- If BMI >25, aim for 5-10% weight reduction
- Exercise 30 mins x5
- Metformin 500mg daily
- Quit smoking
- OGTT every 2 years
- BP checked annually
- Lipids every 2 years (or yearly if abnormal)
What infectious diseases in children need to stay away from pregnant women? (6)
Toxoplasmosis Other - Hep B Rubella CMV Herpes Simplex
Postpartum visit things to ask (10)
- Labour, birth, complications, bleeding, progress since discharge
- Pain: perineum/ CS
- Breast issues: feeding/ pain
- Bowels/Bladder Urinary and faecal incontinence - pelvic floor exercises
- Intercourse and dyspareunia
- Bleeding
- Fevers
- Tiredness and fatigue
- anaemia, postpartum depression, thyroid disease - Safety and intimate partner violence
- Mental health/ sleep/ mood
- Social: substances (avoid ETOH with BF)
- Contraception
Pre-Eclampsia symptoms? (4)
- Headache
- Visual disturbance
- Epigastric pain
- Confusion
- Nausea/vomiting
- Retrosternal chest pain
Pre-Eclampsia examination (5)
1. Abdominal palpation ○ Foetal lie, fundal height, presentation ○ RUQ/epigastric tenderness 2. Foetal HR 3. Tendon reflexes - hyperreflexia 4. Clonus 5. Urinalysis - proteinuria 6. Mental State Examination
Increased risks of pregnancy if diabetic? (5)
- Miscarriage/Stillbirth
- Macrosomia
- Shoulder dystocia
- Pre-eclampsia
- Preterm
Investigations to ALWAYS order preconception? (5)
- Ferritin
- Genetic carrier screening
- Rubella
- Varicella
Preconception things to ask (8)
Fertility issues
Lifestyle - exercise + diet, folic + iodine
Immunisations/Infections - STI’s, MMR, VZV
PMHx/psychosocial - domestic violence etc
Causes of early pregnancy bleeding? (5)
- Implantation bleeding (First 2 weeks only)
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Molar pregnancy
- Miscarriage
- Cervical ectropion/polyps/cancer
Causes of late pregnancy bleeding? (6)
- Placenta praevia
- Placental abruption
- Vasa praevia
- Bloody show from ROM
- Cervical trauma/polyps/cancer/ectropion
- Uterine rupture
Causes of vulvovaginitis (7)
- Candidiasis
- Bacterial vaginosis
- Irritant dermatitis
- Atrophic vaginitis
- Lichen planus
- Lichen sclerosus
- Psoriasis
- Trichomoniasis (if discharge too)
Non-pharm Mx of vulvovaginitis? (3)
- Loose Cotton underwear
- Non-soap cleanser
- Barrier cream/emolient
- Avoid vulval irritants (steroids, unless dermatitis, lichen planus/sclerosus)
Congestive HF HTN Age >75 (2) Diabetes Stroke/TIA (2) Vascular disease Age 65-74
Post AMI medications + dose (5)
Aspirin 100mg daily Clopidogrel 75mg daily Atorvastatin 80mg daily Perindopril 2.5mg daily Atenolol 25mg daily
Automatically high risk and cannot use calculator (7)
Diabetic >60yo ATSI >74yo Diabetic + microalbuminuria Moderate/severe CKD Familial hypercholesterolemia Total cholesterol >7.5 SBP >180
Acne options + dose (5)
- Benzoyl Peroxide 5% daily
- Adapalene 0.1% daily
- Doxycycline 100mg daily
- Spironolactone 25mg
- Minocycline 50mg bd
Secondary causes of HTN (6)
OSA Conn's, Cushing's Phaeochromocytoma CKD, Fibromuscular Dysplasia Coarctation of Aorta (kids) Acromegaly Thyrotoxicosis
When to treat Erythema Nodusum and Mx? (4)
Only if symptomatic as most resolve in 3-8 weeks
- Rest
- Leg elevation
- Cease COCP
- Prednisolone 25mg daily for 2 weeks and taper
Psoriasis Rx options (4)
- Coal tar lotion 3% + salicylic acid 3% bd for 1 month
- Calcipotriol topical cream daily
- Betamethasone diproprionate 0.05% daily for 2 weeks
- UV phototherapy
Melasma Mx (4)
- SPF 50+ sunscreen daily
- Change to progesterone only contraception
- Camouflage make up
- Hydroquinone 2% cream bd for 2-4 months
+/- tretinoin 0.025% cream topically daily
(CI pregnancy) - Laser
Venous Ulcer Mx (5)
- Compression bandage 40mmHg
- Foam dressings twice/weekly
- Stop smoking
- Keep elevated
- Weight reduction
Vitiligo Mx (4)
Pimecrolimus 1% cream (if on face)
Betamethasone diproprionate 0.05% daily for 3 months
Cosmetic camoflauge
Wart Rx (4)
- Salicylic acid 40% daily
- Podophyllotoxin 0.5% paint (Anogenital warts)
- Cryotherapy
- Curettage
Who to screen 3 yearly for T2DM? (FBGL) (7)
- High risk AUSDRISK >12
- FHx (1st degree)
- Gestational diabetes
- Antipsychotics use
- 40yo + overweight
- Indian/Pacific Islanders
Metabolic Syndrome Dx
Elevated waist circumference
>102cm men >88cm women and 3 of:
- Triglycerides >1.7
- HDL <1.0
- SBP >130/85
- FBGL >5.5
12 monthly T2DM investigations (6)
HbA1c UEC's Hb fasting lipids B12 if on long-term metformin uACR
Addison’s Mx/prevention of crisis (4)
Wear an alert bracelet/necklace
Increase glucocorticoids during illness
Carry injectable hydrocortisone when away from medical care
Recognise early features of adrenal crisis (severe cortisol deficiency - vomiting, dec LOC, dehydration)
Long-term Steroid SE’s (7)
C – Cataracts U – Ulcers S – Striae, Skin thinning H – Hypertension, Hirsutism I – Immunosuppression, Infections N – Necrosis of femoral heads G – Glucose elevation O – Osteoporosis, Obesity I – Impaired wound healing D – Depression/mood changes
Hyperglycaemia causes (non-diabetics) (4)
- Trauma/Surgery
- Endocrine
• Cushing’s - Medications
• Thiazide
• Diuretics
• Beta-blockers
• Clozapine/Olanzapine
Acute/chronic pancreatitis
Secondary causes of Osteoporosis (9)
- Malabsorption e.g., coeliac disease
- Eating disorders
- Male hypogonadism
- Hyperparathyroidism/Hyperthyroidism
- Medications e.g., steroids >3 months, anticonvulsants, prolonged Depo Provera, prolonged proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs).
- Cushing’s syndrome
- Metabolic bone disease s (e.g., Paget’s disease, fibrous dysplasia, osteogenesis imperfecta, osteomalacia)
Lifestyle Mx of Osteoporosis (5)
- Stop/reduce smoking and alcohol
- Weight-bearing exercise
○ Reduces falls from balance and strength - Stop steroids
- Vitamin D above 75 or 30 mins sunlight/day
- Calcium rich diet - 1300mg daily
- Prevention of falls
○ Improve vision
○ Household risks
○ Review medications
○ Walking aids - Suggest hip protectors
Indications for Osteoporosis Rx (4)
- Minimal trauma # at hip/vertebrae
- Minimal trauma with T < -1.5
- T score < -2.5
- Fracture Risk Calculator
○ >5% hip fracture
>20% fracture anywhere else
Contraindications to ear syringe (5)
- <10yo
- perforated TM
- Active AOM
- Hx of ear surgery
- Hearing loss
Complications of Infectious Mononucleosis (5)
- Splenic rupture
- Liver failure
- Pneumonia
- Haemolytic anaemia
- Glomerulonephritis
- Airway compromise
- Pancreatitis
- Myocarditis
When to give ABx for acute otitis media (6)
- <2yo with bilateral AOM
- Immunocompromised
- <6 months old
- Perforated/CSOM
- Systemically unwell
- Remote/ATSI
What makes tonsillitis likely to be bacterial? (5) (2 of 5)
2 of:
Temp >38 Tender cervical lymph nodes Tonsillar exudate No cough 3-14yo
Complications of tonsillitis (4)
- Quinsy (peritonsillar abscess)
- Acute rheumatic fever
- Post strep GN
- Reactive arthritis
- Otitis media
Causes of CLD (6)
NAFLD Alcohol Haemochromatosis Chronic Hepatitis B/C Hypothyroidism Coeliac
Gastroscopy indications for GORD (5)
- Anaemia, weight loss,
- haematemesis, vomiting, dysphagia,
- Changing severity of symptoms
- Inadequate response to treatment
- Diagnostic clarification
Complications of haemochromatosis (5)
- Cardiomyopathy
- Infertility
- Hypothyroidism
- Diabetes
- Chronic Liver Disease
Chronic Hep B Mx (4)
Stop smoking + ETOH Condoms during sex Ensure vaccinations UTD 6 monthly hepatocellular surveillance (USS + AFP) Annual Hep B serology
IBD Rx (5)
- 5 ASA (Sulfasalazine, Balsalazide, Mesalamine, Olsalazine)
- Abx
- Steroids course
- Azathioprine/MTX/6MP (Mercaptopurine) - all immunosuppressive
- AntiTNFa (anti-cytokines to reduce inflammation)
- Surgery
Causes of pruritis without rash (5)
- Cholestasis
- Psychogenic
- parkinson’s
- Thyroid
- Leukemia
Causes of Acute Pancreatitis (7)
Idiopathic Gall stones ETOH Trauma Steroids Mumps Autoimmune Scorpion/Spider bites Hyperlipidemia/Hypercalcaemia ERCP Drugs
When can you break consent? (4)
- Patient permission
- Mandatory by law
- Necessary discussion with other health professional
- Duty to public health
Causes of poor health outcomes in ATSI? (5)
Lower health literacy Mistrust in western medicine Lower financial situation Overcrowding High incidence of ETOH, smoking
Disability Pension Criteria (3)
- intellectual, cognitive, neurological, sensory or physical impairments
- Permanent
- Sig functional impairment
Taxi discount criteria (4)
- Risk of falls and cannot take public transport
- Continence concerns
- Recent strokes
- Dementia/Cognitive
- Blindness
Health Assessment Criteria (6)
- 45-49 yo at risk of developing chronic disease
- 40-49 yo T2DM Ax if high risk on AUSDRISK
- 75+ yo - Permanent residents of residential aged care facilities
- Intellectual disability
- ATSI (annual)
- Refugees and other humanitarian entrants
What components make a screening program worthwhile (4)
- Important health problem
- Understand disease progression
- Simple, safe and economic
- Needs to have effective treatment available
- Benefits outweigh harm
TATT investigations (7)
Risk Factors for DVT (5)
- Pregnancy
- Post major surgery
- Immobility
- Obesity
- COCP use
- Smoking
- Previous VTE
- Varicose veins
Multiple myeloma Ix (4)
- Serum protein electrophoresis/ Serum free light chain analysis
- 24 hour urine collection for protein electrophoresis
- Bone marrow aspirate
- Urine Bence Jones Protein
- PET scan
- Skeletal survey
Causes of splenomegaly (4)
CHF Cirrhosis Amyloidosis Thalassaemia Leukemia Portal vein aneurysm
Medical high risk conditions for pneumococcal (11)
- PHx pneumococcal disease
- <28 weeks gestation
- Immunocompromised
- Cochlear implants
- Intracranial shunts
- Chronic Lung Disease and severe asthma
- Chronic Renal Disease/ Liver Disease
- Cardiac disease
- Trisomy 21
- Diabetes
- Smoking (current or in the immediate past)
- ETOH (>6 standard drinks/day for males and >4 standard drinks/day females)
What steps to take when there is cold chain breach (4)
- Make list of patients who have received dose from batch
- Contact Public Health Unit
- Do not use further vaccines until advised, move and label them
- Make incident report
Fever and rash in returned traveller DDx (5)
Dengue fever Chikungunya (West Africa) Measles HIV Zika Scrub Typhus QLD tick typhus Ross River Virus Barmah Forest Virus Meningococcal
Malaria symptoms (4)
Dark Urine Diarrhoea Fever Myalgia Nausea
Indications for HIV PrEP (3)
HIV negative patients with mod risk (exposure in last 6 months of)
- Shared injection with HIV+ or MSM
- Condomless receptive anal or vaginal sex with HIV+ or MSM
- MSM with rectal STD/syphillis
Ix to do before HIV PrEP (4)
- Negative HIV antibodies and p24 antigen
- UEC’s
- Pregnancy test
- Hep A/B/C and other STI’s
Will need ongoing CD4 count and viral load
Government funding for influenza vaccine (5)
○ 6months – 5yo ○ Pregnant women ○ 65yo+ ○ 6 months + with medical condition - ATSI
BPH symptoms Mx (5)
- Reduce caffeine/ETOH
- Tamsulosin
- Reduced evening fluid intake
- Pelvic floor exercises
- Treat constipation/fibre intake
- Finasteride
Erectile Dysfunction causes (5)
- Neurogenic (MS, Parkinson’s)
- Vasculogenic (CVD, DM, smoking)
- Psychogenic
- Anatomical (Peyronie’s, Phimosis, Micropenis)
- Hormonal abnormalities/Hypogonadism
- Substances
- Smoking/ETOH/Drugs/Medications
Erectile Dysfunction Ix (4)
Need to assess for CVD
- F cholesterol
LH (high = gonadal failure, low =hypothalamic failure)
Gynaecomastia Ix (4)
- serum testosterone
- LH (hypogonadism)
- TFT’s (hyperthyroidism)
- oestradiol (Leydig cell)
- serum hcg (testicular germ cell tumour)
SPC insertion CI’s (4)
- Bleeding disorders
- Pregnancy
- Severe obesity
- Lower abdo scar tissue
- Pelvic cancer