Keywords - Matters Of Life And Death (RE) Flashcards
What is Paranormal?
Unexplainable things which are thought to have spiritual causes for example ghosts and mediums
What is Resurrection?
The belief that after death the body stays in the grave until after the end of the world, when it is raised?
What is Reincarnation?
The belief that after death the soul is reborn in a new body
What is Near-death experience?
When someone about I die has an out-of-body experience
What is abortion?
The removal of the foetus from the womb before it can survive
What is Sanctity of life
The belief that life is holy and only
belongs to God
What is Assisted suicide?
Providing a seriously ill person with the means to commit suicide
What is Euthanasia
The painless killing of someone dying from a painful disease and no quality of life
What is Non-voluntary Euthanasia
Ending someone’s life painlessly when they are unable to ask, but you have a good reason for thinking they would want to
What is Quality of life?
The idea that life must have some benefits for it to be worth living
What is Voluntary Euthanasia
Ending life painlessly when someone in great pain asks for death
What is Immortality?
The idea that the soul lives in after the death of the body
Non-religious reason to believe in life after death:
Near death experience
Evidence for spiritual world: ghosts, ouija boards, mediums
Evidence of reincarnation:
Souls being reborn
Non religious reasons not to believe in life after death
Don’t believe in God, don’t believe in spiritual world
Different religions have different view points
No reliable scientific evidence
Scientists evidences that the mind cannot exist without the brain
Nowhere for the spiritual world to exist
Religious attitudes to life after death
Reward for being good or punishment for the bad: heaven and hell or paradise and hell
New Testament: if Jesus rose from the dead then there is left after death
Jesus taught that he would return again at the end of the world for final judgement
Christian churches teach that there is some form of life after death
Christian beliefs that affect their lives
What determines when they die - Christians won’t commit sins and lead a good life
Following the 10 commandments
Complete charity work or help those who are less fortunate
Avoid committing sins
Muslims believe in life after death because:
The Qur’an teaches that there is life after death
Muhammad taught it
6 fundamental beliefs
Paradise and hell
Muslim beliefs affect their lives:
Judgments day - Muslims lead a good life
The Five Pillars - prying 5 times a day, giving certain amount to help to those in need
Muslims will only eat halal food, will not drink alcohol or gamble
All Muslims are buried after death
Abortion: what are the circumstances
Up to 24 weeks
Two doctors must agree
Mothers life is in risk
Risk of injury to mother physically or mentally
Effect the welfare of other children
Substantial risk that the baby would be severely handicapped
Issues surrounding abortion
Different opinions on when life begins
Arguments about who’s rights are more important
Children born between 22-24 weeks can now survive
Christian views on abortion: against (Catholics)
Abortion is wrong!
Life is holy and should only be taken away by God
They believe that life begins at conception
Every human as the right to life
Adoption is a better solution
Christian believes on abortion: for (mostly Liberal Protestants)
Abortion is wrong but should be allowed under certain circumstances:
Mother has been raped
Do not believe that life begins at conceptions
Accept advances in medical technology
Muslims beliefs on abortion: some believe that it should be discouraged
Permitted up to 120 days as that’s when life begins and the soul enters the body
Mother should always be considered before the unborn baby
Muslims beliefs on abortion: completely wrong
Soul is given at the moment of conception
The Qur’an states that murder is wrong and abortion is classes as murder
Muslim beliefs on abortion: is wrong but should be allowed
The Qur’an bans abortion but the Shari’ah Law says that the mothers life is more important than the unborn baby
Euthanasia : the nature of it
Providing an gentle and easy death to someone who is suffering from a terminal, painful illness who has little quality of life.
Can be done by assisted suicide, voluntary euthanasia or non-voluntary euthanasia
British law states that it’s classed as murder
Controversial issues of euthanasia: made illegal
Doubt if the person really wants it to happen
Cure could be found
Role of doctor to save life’s not end them
People may change their mind
Controversial issues of euthanasia: legal
Turning off a life machine is legal
Legal fro doctors to withhold it withdraw treatment
They feel that it is basic human right for people to choose to end their life
Christian attitudes to euthanasia: against ( Catholics)
Accept no form of euthanasia it agree to switching of life machine in case of brain dead
Believe in sanctity of life
Murder is forbidden in 10 commandments
Brain dead they have already died
Giving pain killers is acceptable
Christian attitudes to euthanasia: completely against it
Don’t allow to switching off life support machine or pain killers
Bible bans suicide and murder
Actions taken by humans to end life is wrong
Christian beliefs in euthanasia: some accept limited
Modern medical science means we can no longer be sure what gods wishes about someone’s death actually are
Jesus taught to love your neighbour - most living thing to do
Own treatment which is basic human right
Muslims attitudes on euthanasia: against
The Qur’an states that suicide is wrong
Believes life is given by Allah and should be taken by Allah
Life is a test and cheating would result in hell
Muslim believes to euthanasia: switching off the life machine isn’t euthanasia
Muslims lawyers have agreed that life support machines can be switched off
If someone is brain dead, Allah had already taken their life