Keywords - Matters Of Life And Death (RE) Flashcards
What is Paranormal?
Unexplainable things which are thought to have spiritual causes for example ghosts and mediums
What is Resurrection?
The belief that after death the body stays in the grave until after the end of the world, when it is raised?
What is Reincarnation?
The belief that after death the soul is reborn in a new body
What is Near-death experience?
When someone about I die has an out-of-body experience
What is abortion?
The removal of the foetus from the womb before it can survive
What is Sanctity of life
The belief that life is holy and only
belongs to God
What is Assisted suicide?
Providing a seriously ill person with the means to commit suicide
What is Euthanasia
The painless killing of someone dying from a painful disease and no quality of life
What is Non-voluntary Euthanasia
Ending someone’s life painlessly when they are unable to ask, but you have a good reason for thinking they would want to
What is Quality of life?
The idea that life must have some benefits for it to be worth living
What is Voluntary Euthanasia
Ending life painlessly when someone in great pain asks for death
What is Immortality?
The idea that the soul lives in after the death of the body
Non-religious reason to believe in life after death:
Near death experience
Evidence for spiritual world: ghosts, ouija boards, mediums
Evidence of reincarnation:
Souls being reborn
Non religious reasons not to believe in life after death
Don’t believe in God, don’t believe in spiritual world
Different religions have different view points
No reliable scientific evidence
Scientists evidences that the mind cannot exist without the brain
Nowhere for the spiritual world to exist
Religious attitudes to life after death
Reward for being good or punishment for the bad: heaven and hell or paradise and hell
New Testament: if Jesus rose from the dead then there is left after death
Jesus taught that he would return again at the end of the world for final judgement
Christian churches teach that there is some form of life after death