Keywords Flashcards
What is meant by agents of socialisation
Is the process through which individuals acquire culture to assimilate into society. These include ,family ,schools ,media and peer groups
What is meant by cultural diversity
The existence of a variety of cultural or ethic groups within a society.
What is meant culture
Is a way of living and life passed down from generation to generation
What is meant by hidden curriculum
This refers to the secondary socialisation passed on throughout the day .e.g. time keeping routines, dress codes.
What is meant by formal curriculum
Schools teach the formal curriculum as set out by the government in the national curriculum. Introduced- education reform act of 1988.e.g. Maths, English and science
What is meant by identity
Ethic through speaking, food, traditions
Education- clever or not
Class identity- e.g working class on benefits
Nature vs Nurture
Our genetics determine our behaviour
Our behaviour personality traits and abilities are in our “nature”.
Our environment. Upbringing, and life experiences determine our behaviour. We are “nurtured” to behave in certain ways
What is meant by norms
Unwritten rules that guide our behaviour
What is meant by peer pressure
Is influence that’s a peer group exterts to encourage change on someone e.g. attitudes, values or behaviour
What is meant by role models
A person looked to by others as an example to be imitated
What is meant by roles
Roles are the parts we play in our daily lives. Some people have more than one role e.g. a women can be a wife and mother and also hold responsibility in a career.
What is meant by sanctions
Reactions, to encourage or discourage behaviours e.g. rewards for getting 10/10 on a test, detention for not doing the work
What is meant by social control
Refers to the process where by society tries to ensure its members follow the norms, values and laws , through socialisation and the use of sanctions
What is socialisation
Primary - first stage of socialisation within the family. Gets taught norms, values, skills to function.
How to behave
Secondary- new situations such as starting school, joining clubs. Peer groups
What is socially constructed status
An idea that has been accepted by the people in a society class distinctions are a social construct
What is meant by values
Indicated what we consider important in our society acquiring wealth is more important as well as freedom and respect for others
What is meant by ethical considerations
Are the things that must be considered before any research is carried out Anonymity Confidentiality Informed consent Safety
What is an interview
Ask questions and respondents answer
They can be structured (pre-set questions).
They can be unstructured (questions guide the interview but the respondent can talk freely).
What is observation
Watching social life as it happens e.g. classroom, workplace, street
They can be overt (the respondents know your there and why)
Covert (the respondents are not aware your there or why)
They can be participant (taking part) or non-participant (simply watching)
What’s a questionnaire
Mainly quantitative data useful for collecting large amounts of data , most effective
People fill them out themselves
Can be open or closed
What is quantitative data
Methods are those which focus on numbers and frequencies rather than on meaning and experience
Example - questionnaires
What is qualitative data
Ways of collecting data which are concerned with describing meaning
Example- case studies and interviews
What is meant by reliability
Refers to consistency of results over time
What is meant by representative
Refers to the chosen sample being a representative sample.
This is a smaller group
What is meant by a sample
Is a subset of the population being studied , it represents the larger population
What is meant by validity
Is the degree to which an instrument, such as survey question
What is meant by society
People who interact in such a way as to share a common culture
What is meant by sub-culture
What Eva culture within a broader mainstream culture, with its own separate values , practices and beliefs
What is meant by pilot study
This is a trail run of your research with a smaller section of your sample. It’s ensures questions are fully understood