Cultural Diversity/ Studies Flashcards
What is cultural diversity
These are the difference in culture. Normas and values can vary between cultures and change and vary over time
Changes over time ?
For example until 1965 the death penalty was used in Britain for certain crimes and abortion was against the law
What are the differences in culture between groups in the same country
Sikhs men wear a turban, clashing with the bridging practise of wearing a crash helmet when riding a motor bike
A new law for Sikhs
A law was subsequently passed allowing Sikhs to ride without a helmet
How can cultures vary throughout the world
Cultures can vary by differences in food , dress ,families and beliefs.
For example in Britain and the tend to use a knife and fork whereas in China it is the norm to eat with chopsticks.
What is primary data
This is data collected by sociologists the sleeves- their own research
What is secondary data
Secondary data is information collected by someone else. Research can be published as quantitative data of qualitative data.
What is a cross-sectional
Where a study or collection of data captures a particular moment in time rather than over a longer period
What is a longitudinal studies
Studies that are carried out over a period of time. This usually involves the same group of people
What is content analysis
Is when the content of data is analysed and coming to conclusions. E.g how many people watch a particular programme and therefore peoples interest in a topic
What is official statistics
Are those collected and published by official or government organisations.
What is unofficial statistics
Are those collected by charities or other private organisations