Key words (Page 27) Flashcards
Joining of Austria and Germany as one state - forbidden by the Treaty of Versailles 1919 but carried out by Hitler in 1938.
Big Three
Woodrow Wilson, David Lloyd-George, George Clemenceau (and Vittorio Orlando)
Compulsory service in the armed forces.
Working together - could be political, economic or legal.
Demilitarised zone
Area of land where troops can’t be stationed.
Political system in which the population votes for its government in elections held on a regular basis.
Process of scrapping land, sea or air weapons.
Fourteen Points
Woodrow Wilson’s points to achieve a peaceful, idyllic world.
Free trade
Countries can trade freely, importing and exporting as many goods and services as they wish.
General strike
Large-scale co-ordinated strike by workers designed to stop essential services like power, transport etc.
Looking back on historical events with the ability to see what happened since.
Process of money becoming worthless, most notable instance was in Germany in 1923.
Person motivated by particular beliefs, e.g. commitment to right of peoples to rule themselves.
Politician who accepts a particular course of action even though it’s not what they would prefer to do.
Kapp Putsch
Attempt to overthrow democratically elected government in Germany in 1920.
League of Nations
Organisation set up to manage international disputes and prevent wars after WW1. Brainchild of US President Woodrow Wilson.
System by which Britain and France took control of territories ruled by Germany and Turkey which had been on the losing side in WW1.
Paris Peace Conference
Conference which ran 1919-20 to decide how to officially end WW1. Resulted in Treaty of Versailles with Germany and three other treaties.
Public opinion
View of majority or large section of population on an issue, most important in democracies where politicians often have to win over public opinion.
Compensations to be paid by Germany to France, Belgium, Britain and other states as a result of WW1.
Area of Germany that bordered France. Under Treaty of Versailles it was demilitarised - no German forces allowed there.
Political groups or individuals with beliefs usually in national pride, authoritarian government and opposed to communism.
Main industrial area of Germany.
Region on the border between France and Germany. Run by League of Nations from 1920 to 1935 when its people voted to become part of Germany.
Secret treaties
A treaty which is concealed from the public.
The right for people to rule themselves.
An area of land under the jurisdiction of a ruler or state.
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Treaty between Germany and Russia in 1918 which ended war between the two. Germany took massive amounts of land and reparations.
Treaty of Versailles
Treaty that officially ended war between Allies and Germany in 1919. Controversial because of the terms, which Germany claimed to be excessively harsh.
War Guilt (Article 231)
Clause in Treaty of Versailles which forced Germany to accept blame for WW1.
Young Plan (1929)
American economic plan in 1929 to reorganise reparations payments to make it easier for Germany to pay.