Key words (Glossary) Flashcards
What is the term used to describe a population where older age groups are growing as a proportion?
An Ageing population.
What is a beanpole family?
When there are an increasing number of generations in a family but relatively fewer people in each generation.
The term for the number of live births per 1000 of the population, per year.
The Birth rate
What is the Cereal image of the family?
The stereotypical views of the family in common advertising, nuclear with a traditional division of labour.
What are conjugal roles?
The marital roles of husbands and wives.
Define cohabitation.
When an unmarried couple are in a sexual relationship and live together.
What is the term given to the number of deaths per 1000 of the population per year?
The death rate.
What is the dependency ratio?
The relationship between the size of the working population and the non-working population (e.g. children and retired workers)
What is the study of populations and their characteristics called?
What is the name given to families who are geographically separated but maintain frequent contact through visits and phone calls?
Dispersed extended families.
The term for the number of divorces per 1000 married people.
Divorce rate.
The term for the gender roles men and women play in relation to housework, childcare and paid work.
Domestic division of labour.
Define Domestic violence.
Physical, sexual and psychological abuse between those in a family-type relationship.
What is Emigration?
Movement out of an area of country.
What is emotion work?
Emotional support which members of a family provide for each other e.g. offering sympathy.
What is the expressive role?
Where women act as homemakers and carers e.g. offering emotional support
Which family type contains relatives in addition to the nuclear family e.g. grandparents, aunts, cousins ect…
Extended families.
What is a household?
A person living alone or in a group of people who share a common residence.
Define what family means.
Consists of people who are related by blood or marriage.
What is the infant mortality rate?
The number of deaths among babies under one per 1000 live births per year.
What is the movement into one area or country called?
What is industrialisation?
The shift from an agricultural economy to one based on factory production - late 18th century.
What’s the name given to men who go out to work and act as the financial breadwinner.
Instrumental leaders.
What is the name given to the movement of populations within a country?
Internal migration.
What are Kin?
Relatives based on marriage or genes.
What is life expectancy?
How long on average someone born in a given year can expect to live.
What are lone parent families?
Families where a parent without a partner lives with their dependent children.
What is migration?
The movement of people from one place to another.
What is the term given to a marital relationship where there is one husband and one wife?
What is a neo-conventional family?
A “traditional” nuclear family containing a male and female, where both spouses work.
What is a matrifocal family?
a family where two or more generations of women are in the same household with dependent children.
What is net migration?
The difference between the number immigrating (coming in) and numbers emigrating (exiting).
What N is the word for social rules or expectations?
What is a nuclear family?
A family where there is an adult male and female (usually married) with one or more children, own or adopted.
What is the name for households containing people who live alone through choice or not?
One person households (singletons)
What is patriarchy?
Male power, domination and control.
What is the name for when someone is married to more than one partner at the same time?
What is it called when shared norms and values (consensus) are transmitted to children through the family?
Primary socialisation.
What is a reconstituted family?
Families in which one or both adults in a couple bring children from a previous relationship (step-families)
What is a same sex relationship?
Gay male and lesbian female couples living together in an intimate relationship.
What is social control?
Ways in which society tries to ensure that members behave s other expect of them.
Define social policy.
The actions and plans of government agencies such as health and social services.
Serial monogamy is…
when someone has a series of marriage partners/long term relationships over a life course, one at a time.
What is stratified diffusion?
The spread of beliefs and practices from social class to another e.g the symmetrical family has spread from the middle class to the working class.
What is total fertility rate?
The average number of children women have during their fertile years (15 - 44)
What is the name given to the movement of populations from rural areas to towns and cities?
What are values?
Ideas, beliefs, goals which people believe are important to aspire to.
What is it called when there is agreement among society’s members about norms and values?
Value consensus.