Key words Flashcards
Linguistic Loyalty
Historical and cultural belonging and sense of pride based on language
Ex. Bill 101
Religious Loyalty
A defense of certain vales, traditions and ways of life that make up an identity based on a set of moral values
Ex. Turban/Hijab (RCMP/Soccer)
Cultural Loyalty
Willing to practice and defend certain traditions, customs, holidays, and food practices
Nationalistic Loyalty
A feeling of pride for your country and willing to defend or fight for that nation-state
Regional Loyalty
A sense of belonging to a certain area that one has a sentimental or historical attachment and relationship to
Ethnic Loyalty
Loyalty based on origins, blood, ancestry, and relationship to land
Political Loyalty
Loyalty on a certain position on how to run a society, how to vote and how to allocate taxes
A document that contains an official statement about smth
A drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving, usually resulting in the overthrown of a government
Period in the 1700s when European scientists and philosophers began examining the world through reason and human intellect, rather than religious or spiritual faith
A policy of staying completely out of world affairs because of fear of competition and cultural assimilation. Borders are closed and freedom of movement is restricted
Rejection of partnerships and alliances in foreign policies in attempts to get your nation state the best advantage
Idea that there is a trade agreement between two countries that mutually benefits both by increasing market size ad trading human and natural resources
Agreement to work/trade w/ more than two nations at once
Policy where power/decision making is transferred to a delegation of representatives of nations
Tied Aid
Aid given w/ conditions attached to it
Gross National Income
Total value of the goods and services produced by a country in a year
Belief that all members of the global community accept collective responsibility for the challenges that face the world
The power to control one’s own affairs
Security Council
Subgroup of UN members that has the authority to investigate and monitor potential crises
Economic Sanctions
Cutting off trade with a country in an effort to force it to follow a particular course of action
Political authority to control one’s own affairs