Key words Flashcards
mechanistic Theory
Linked to john locke, argues that mankind is rational. Used as a rebuff to the divine right of king’s
Egotistical individualism
Linked to classical liberalism - denotes that human beings are drawn to the advancement of themselves.
Economic liberalism
Another word for capitalism, The 3 factors make make it liberal are
- Involves private property
-IS individualistic in theory - Benefits everyone
State of nature
The state Locke and Hobbes talk about, it is what life was like before formal rules and government came into place
Social Contract
Linked to enlightenment thinkers like locke, it denotes the deal between the government and the governed. In return to the governed following the laws the governed sould have the right to rights,.
tolerance/harm principle
Actions should be tolerated as long as they don’t harm others
Foundation/legal equality
The belief that everyone is born equal
Equality of opportunity
All individuals should be allowed similar opportunities to develop
Limited government
The government stays out of it more, limited in their actions
Laissez-faire capitalism
Based on negative liberty and private property ownership, allows capitalism to run without state intervention
Negative Liberty
A notion of freedom that involves individuals being left alone to pursue their destiny
Minimal state
Reflected negative liberty by minimalising state activities
developmental individualism
relates to John Stuart Mill, who wished to focus on would individuals could became rather than what they are
Positive Freedom
Denotes the belief that individuals often left on their own are rather inhabited than free
Enabling State
Linked to positive liberty, the state will extend their activities so they can liberate individuals