Key Vocabulary Flashcards
different fields of study
different points of view expressed through an argument
different groups of people affected by an issue
environmental lense
What’s the natural impact on the world?
climate change, recycling, pollution
technological lense
How have new technologies impacted this issue and how can they help?
social media, internet access, smartphones
scientific lense
What do previous studies say about this topic and how can the scientific method be used to further our understanding?
scientific research studies
economic lense
How will this impact wealth, resources and/or the production of goods?
money, workers, trade, prices
medical lense
How will this impact people’s health and healthcare?
physical health, private insurance, universal healthcare
psychological lense
How does this impact people’s mental health and mental healthcare?
stress, depression, happiness, human motivation
educational lense
How does this impact students and how can learning help?
students, teachers, schools, parents
historical lense
How have humans dealt with this in the past?
context, background, change overtime
political and legal lense
How should governments and the legal system address this issue?
laws, government policies, rights
artistic lense
What creative expressions can we use to explore this or raise awareness?
beauty, theme, message, making a statement
ethical lense
What is the right thing to do in this situation?
justice, equality, equity
cultural and social lense
How does this impact the beliefs, values and customs held by groups of people?
religions, customs, traditions, habits, media
Examine it from different _____
Consider multiple ______ within a ____
perspectives, lense
Make sure to consider how different _________ will view it differently because it impacts them differently
problem DEFINITION and how big and bad it is
something that is MAKING the problem happen
something that is happening as a RESULT of the problem
a way to ADDRESS a problem
things the solution doesn’t address
What are the two most important lenses?
economic + political and legal
Cultural and social lenses can sometimes be….
an effect - not cause