Key Terms Two Flashcards
A chemical term referring to basic reaction where the pH reading is above 7, as distinguished from acidic reaction where the pH reading is below 7.
A substance containing hydrogen that dissociates to form hydrogen ions when dissolved in water. Term applied to any substance with a pH less than 7.0.
A substance which gives off hydroxyl ions when dissolved in water, as contrasted with an acid, which gives off hydrogen ions.
The property or power of conducting heat, electricity, or sound.
To supply the necessary mineral and organic nutrients to soil or water to aid the growth and development of plants.
A mineral calcium sulfate, combined with water of hydration. In arid regions, large tonnages are used to treat sodic soils.
A colorless, odorless, flammable gas, the lightest of the elements, that combines chemically with oxygen to form water.
The ion OH-.
An atom or a group of atoms carrying an electrical charge, which may be positive or negative.
Strictly, calcium oxide, CaO, but, as commonly used in agricultural terminology, calcium carbonate, CaCO3, and calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2, are included. Agricultural lime refers to any of these compounds, with or without magnesium carbonate, which are used as amendments chiefly for acid soils.
The removal of soluble constituents from soils or other materials by percolating water.
The artificial application of water to soil for the purpose of increasing plant production.
An element or compound in a soil that is essential for the growth of a plant.
Produced by plants and animals; of plant or animal origin.
A numerical measure of acidity or hydrogen ion activity of a substance such as food or soil. The neutral point is pH 7.0. All pH values below 7.0 are acid and all above 7.0 are alkaline.