Key Terms III Flashcards
Account analysis
A method for analysing cost behaviour in which each account under consideration is classified as either variable or fixed based on the analyst’s prior knowledge of how the cost in the account behaves
Activity base
A measure of whatever causes the incurrence of a variable cost
Adjusted R2
A measure of goodness of fit in least-squares regression analysis. It is the percentage of the variation in the dependent variable that is explained by variation in the independent variable
Committed fixed costs
Those fixed costs that are difficult to adjust and that relate to the investment in facilities, equipment, and the basic organisational structure of a firm
Contribution approach
A profit statement format that is geared to cost behaviour in that costs are separated into variable and fixed categories rather than being separated according to the functions of the production, sales, and administrations
Cost structure
The relative proportion of fixed, variable and mixed costs found within an organisation
Curvilinear costs
A relationship between cost and activity that is a curve rather than a straight line
Dependent variable
A variable that reacts or responds to some casual factor; total cost is the dependent variable, as representated by the letter Y, in the equation Y=a+bX
Discretionary fixed costs
Those fixed costs that arise from annual decisions by management to spend in certain fixed cost areas, such as advertising and research
Engineering approach
A detailed analysis of cost behaviour based on an industrial engineers evaluation of the inputs that are required to carry out a particular activity and of the prices of those inputs
High-low method
A method of separating a mixed cost into its fixed and variable elements by analysing the change in cost between the high and low levels of activity
Independent variable
A variable that acts as a casual factor; activity is the independent variable, as represented by the letter X, in the equation Y=a+bX
Least-squares regression method
A method of separating a mixed cost into its fixed and variable elements by fitting a regression line that minimised the sum of the squared errors
Mixed cost
A cost that contains both variable and fixed cost elements
Multiple regression
An analytical method required in those situations where variations in a dependent variable are caused by more than one factor
Regression line
A line fitted to an array of plotted points
Relevant range
The range of activity within which assumptions without variable and fixed cost behaviour are valid
Scattergraph method
A method of separating a mixed cost into fixed and variable elements
Step-variable cost
A cost (such as the cost of a maintenance worker) that is obtainable only in large chunks and that increases and decreases only in response to fairly wide changes in the activity level