Key Terms Euthanasia Flashcards
What is ‘suicide’?
When a person dies as a direct result of their own action.
What is ‘Assisted suicide’?
When a person dies of their own voluntary action with the help of another person. Their condition is not life threatening.
What is ‘Physician aided suicide’?
When a person dies of their own voluntary action with the help of a doctor or physician.
What is ‘Physician aid in dying’?
When a persons death is hastened but not directly caused by aid (eg. medication) of a doctor or physician.
What is ‘Voluntary Euthanasia’?
When a persons death is directly caused by another person at the request and with their consent. Their condition is life threatening or terminal.
What is ‘Passive Euthanasia’?
When a doctor or physician withdraws life sustaining treatment which indirectly causes death. They die through nature ‘taking it’s course’.
What is ‘Non-Voluntary Euthanasia’?
When a persons death is caused without their consent but with the consent of someone representing their best interests (eg. if they’re in a consistent vegetative state).
What is ‘Palliative Care’?
The use of drugs and medication to relieve pain and not directly cause the death of the patient.
What is ‘Vitalism’?
Human life is always sacred because it contains a God-given soul.
What is ‘Slippery Slope’?
The argument that if one rule is weakened, there is no limit to what it could be weakened to and therefore, it could leave undesired results.
What is ‘Eugenics’?
Producing intellectually and racially ‘superior’ humans through selective breeding and the termination of ‘inferior’ humans.
What is ‘Strong Sanctity of life principle’?
The belief that all human life is valuable from the point of conception to natural death. All human life must be equally protected.