Key Terms/Concepts Flashcards
ALS (airborne laser scanning)
LIDAR light detection and ranging remote sensing technique using same principle as radar to determine the range to the target
Study of humanity
3 subsections: biological, cultural, and archaeology
Archaeological culture
Constantly recurring assemblage of artifacts assumed to be representative of a particular set of behavioral activities carried out at a particular time and place
Sub discipline of anthropology involving the study of the human past through its material remains
Any portable object used modified or made by humans
Minimal characteristic of an artifact such that is cannot be further subdivided
Includes: aspects of form, style, decoration, color, and raw material
Application of techniques of examination by which characteristic properties of the constituent material of traded goods can be identified and thus their source of origin
The ordering findings into groups on the basis of shared attributes
Cognitive archaeology
The study of let ways of though and symbolic structures from material remains
Cognitive processual approach
Alternative to materialistic orientation of be functional processual approach
Concerned with the integration of the cognitive and symbolic with other aspects of early societies and the role of ideology as an active organizational force
Artifacts context usually consisted of its immediate matrix, provenience and association with other artifacts
Contract archaeology
Archaeological research conducted under terms of a contract
Critical theory
Theoretical approach developed by “Frankfurt school” of German social thinkers that stresses that all knowledge is historical and in a sense biased communication thus al claims to objective knowledge
Cultural anthropology
Study of human culture and society
Cultural resource management
Safeguarding archaeological heritage through the protection of sites and through salvage archaeology
Non biological characteristics to specific society
Study of tree ring patterns to develop timeline, and determine environmental changes in the past
Aerial Survey
Employing atrial and satellite imagery used in the discovery and recording of archaeological sites
The stratified random sample
Divide strata into separate areas
Site vs. findspot
Site: artifact densities indicate activity areas and function of the site
Findspot: scatters of artifacts usually found by surface survey
Total station
Survey instrument that measures and records in 3 dimensions
Inorganic preservation
Pottery survives well
Fire cooked clay
Study of contemporary cultures with a view to understanding behavioral relationships that underline material culture
Experimental archaeology
The study of past behavioral processes through experimental reconstruction under controlled scientific conditions
The study of processes (burial, decay, preservation) affection animal or plant remains
Primary context
The original place/site of an artifact, ecofact, or feature
Ex bones in a grave
Secondary context
The movement of artifact or ecofact from its original position
Ex moving bones from one grave to another
Immediate matrix
Material that surrounds object
Vertical and horizontal relation of something
What else was found with the object? Something found within the same level
Ex Axe and shield both found in Bronze Age level
Archaeological context
Place where object is found, how it was found, what material (ex soil) surrounds it, the layer it came from,
Place an artifact ecofact structure feature or organic & inorganic remains are found together
Places showing traces of past human activity
Organic and environmental remains
Ex human skeleton or plant Residue
Human modified aspects of the site or landscape that provides evidence of structures, activities or interaction with the landscape
Archaeological record
Any evidence of past human activity preserved in the earth through culture and natural process
Anaerobic environment
Lacking air and moisture