Key Terms 5 Flashcards
What is Affirmative Action?
A hiring or promotion policy favoring those groups, such as women, African Americans, or Hispanics, who have suffered from discrimination in the past or continue to suffer from discrimination.
What is a Coroner?
The medical examiner of a county, usually elected by popular vote.
What is Discrimination?
The illegal use of characteristics such as gender or race by employers when making hiring or promotion decisions.
What is Double Marginality?
The double suspicion that minority law enforcement officers face from their white colleagues and from members of the minority community to which they belong.
What is the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)?
The federal agency responsible for enforcing the nation’s laws and regulations regarding narcotics and other controlled substances.
What is the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)?
The branch of the Department of Justice responsible for investigating violations of federal law.
What is Field Training?
The segment of a police recruit’s training in which he or she is removed from the classroom and placed on the beat, under the supervision of a senior officer.
What is Infrastructure?
The services and facilities that support the day-to-day needs of modern life, such as electricity, food, transportation, and water.
What is Intelligence-Led Policing?
An approach that measures the risk of criminal behavior associated with certain individuals or locations so as to predict when and where such criminal behavior is most likely to occur in the future.
What is the Night Watch System?
An early form of American law enforcement in which volunteers patrolled their community from dusk to dawn to keep the peace.
What is the Patronage System?
A form of corruption in which the political party in power hires and promotes police officers and receives job-related “favors” in return.
What is Private Security?
The practice of private corporations or individuals offering services traditionally performed by police officers.
What is a Probationary Period?
A period of time at the beginning of a police officer’s career during which she or he may be fired without cause.
What is the Professional Model?
A style of policing advocated by August Vollmer and O. W. Wilson that emphasizes centralized police organizations, increased use of technology, and a limitation of police discretion through regulations and guidelines.
What is Recruitment?
The process by which law enforcement agencies develop a pool of qualified applicants from which to select new employees.
What is Secondary Policing?
The situation in which a police officer accepts off-duty employment from a private company or government agency.
What is Sexual Harassment?
A repeated pattern of unwelcome sexual advances and/or obscene remarks in the workplace. Under certain circumstances, sexual harassment is illegal and can be the basis for a civil lawsuit.
What is a Sheriff?
The primary law enforcement officer in a county, usually elected to the post by a popular vote.
What is the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)?
The federal agency responsible for protecting U.S. borders and facilitating legal trade and travel across those borders.
What is the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)?
The federal agency that enforces the nation’s immigration and customs laws.
What is the U.S. Secret Service?
A federal law enforcement organization with the primary responsibility of protecting the president, the president’s family, the vice president, and other important political figures.
What is a Visa?
Official authorization allowing a person to travel to and within the issuing country.