Key Terms 2 Flashcards
2nd set of key terms
A condition in which the individual feels a disconnect from society due to the breakdown or absence of social norms
The science of living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, and origin
The relationship in which a change in one measurement or behavior creates a recognizable change in another measurement or behavior
Choice Theory
The school of criminology based on the belief that individuals have free will to engage in any behavior, including criminal behavior
Chronic Offender
A delinquent or criminal who commits multiple offenses and is considered part of a small group of wrongdoers who are responsible for a majority of the antisocial activity in any given community
Classical Criminology
A school of criminology that holds that wrongdoers act as if they weigh the possible benefits of criminal or delinquent activity against the expected costs of being apprehended
Control Theory
A series of theories that assume that all individuals have the potential for criminal behavior, but are restrained by the damage that such actions would do to their relationships with family, friends, and members of the community
The relationship between two measurements or behaviors that tend to move in the same direction
Criminal Model of Addiction
An approach to drug abuse that holds that drug offenders harm society by their actions to the same extent as other criminals and should face the same punitive sanctions
The scientific study of crime and the causes of criminal behavior
Cultural Deviance Theory
A branch of social structure theory based on the assumption that members of certain subcultures reject the values of the dominant culture by exhibiting deviant behavior patterns
The removal of criminal penalties associated with a product or act which then becomes only subject to civil sanctions such as fines and citations
Drug Abuse
The use of drugs that results in physical or psychological problems for the user, as well as disruption of personal relationships and employment
The study of how certain traits or qualities are transmitted from parents to their offspring
A chemical substance, produced in tissue and conveyed in the bloodstream, that controls certain cellular and body functions such as growth and reproduction
A possible explanation for an observed occurrence that can be tested by further investigation
Labeling Theory
The hypothesis that society creates crime and criminals by labeling certain behavior and certain people as deviant
Learning Theory
The theory that delinquents and criminals must be taught both the practical and the emotional skills necessary to participate in illegal activity
To make a formerly illegal product or action lawful