key terms Flashcards
a set of rules which determine where sovereignty lies in a political system and establishes the relationship between the government and governed
codified constitution
written down in a single document
uncodified constitution
not contained in a single document
requires seperate rules + proceedures for amendment
no special proceedure required for amendment
all legal soverignty is contained in a single place —> westminister
legal sovereignty is shared between national and regional governments like in america
parliamentary sovereignty
parliament can make an amend any laws
cannot be bound by its predecessors or bind its successors
intro of a democratic systen or principles
process of spreading power away from the center towards a devolved gov.
civil rights
set of safeguards for individual and minority rights
power is disolved but not sovereignty
asymetrical devolution
a type of devolution where the various regions are granted unequal amounts of power
quasi federalism
a system of devolution where it is difficult for power to return to central government
common law
laws made by judges to reflect the views of society in general in cases where the law is unclear or doesnt cover the issue
traditions not contained in law but influential in the operation of a political system
- HoL will not strike down passing legislation that was in the government of the times manifesto from when they were elected
authoritative work
work written by a political expert on how a political system should be run
- not a part of the law but taken as a significant guide
formal agreements amongst parties usually ratified by parliament