Key Term Flashcards
An individual who has the skills and knowledge to set up and run their own business and is willing to take risks
Wealth in the form of money or assets
Sole trader
Somebody who owns and runs their business on their own. However this does not stop them from employing other people to work in the business
Sleeping/limited partnerships
They investing into the business but do not take part in day to day running of the business or any decision making
The owners of private and public limited companies
A unit of the ownership in a limited company
Limited liability
This is when the responsibility for the debts of the company is limited to the amount the shareholders put in and can’t take any of there personal assets or belongings
Internal stakeholders
Those inside the business
Eg employees or shareholders/owners
External stakeholders
Outside business
Eg competitors, government or societ/wider community
Deed of partnership
A document stating who owns the partnership, how much money each partner has invested and their role in the business