Key stats!!!! Flashcards
Oct 1941
- Nazis within 10 miles of Moscow!
By Dec 1941
2/5 of USSR pop under Nazi control!
USSR produced how many T34 tanks during the war?
80,000 T34 tanks!!
1600km Eastern front! Longest in history!
3.5 million German soldiers in active combat
USSR outproduced Nazis 1942 / 1943
USSR produced 230 tanks / 700 aircraft a month
Military purges
35,000 officials killed, 3/5 marshals, Tukhachevsky dead
Lend and Loan scheme
360,000 trucks, over 15 million pairs of boots. Initially 5% of USSR’s GDP, by end of war - 10%
In 1941 alone…
3 million Soviet soldiers captured by Germans!!
Battle of Kursk
40% of RA man power, 75% of tankage, 3000 miles of trench dug, 400,000 land mines
430,000 disgraced soldiers…
made to walk over mine fields - punishment centres
stalin not seen for 10 days
following Operation Barbarossa
Siege of Leningrad stats!!
Not the proper victory Stalin described it as !!
1 million dead - 1/3 of city’s total population.
Lost 4000 tanks / 3000 aeroplanes
Stalin’s cavalry
3 million horses for battle :(
Women at work
80% of workers in light industry / 80% in agriculture
Huge losses in first 6 months of war!!!
Evidence of initial Nazi success?
Huge losses for USSR: 2.5 million USSR soldiers dead / 3.5 million pow. Including 1 million Russian Jews shot by Nazis.
Nazis occupy Baltic states / White Russia / Ukraine
By Dec 1941, Nazis had driven Russians 600 miles back!!
(But just three years later, the Russians were at the gates of Berlin!)
Dec 1941 - Russian counteroffensive…
pushes Nazis 200km back from Moscow!!
Race to Berlin
78,000 casualties
Operation Barbarossa: Stalin not completely unaware!
Army of 5 million!!
The USSR’s anti-tank dogs
Only 16 dogs disabled 12 tanks!
Hitler: “We only have to kick in the door…”
“and the whole rotten structure will come down”
Battle of Warsaw and subsequent Race to Berlin had how many casualties altogether??
over 400,000 USSR troops killed, more than total British military & civilian death toll for whole war!
USSR most likely lost 1/5 of its pre-war population during the war
Soviet casualties around half of the total loss of human life of all the countries involved in ww2!!
(even tho Stalin announced that there had ‘only’ been 7 million Soviet deaths)
Order No 227 / 271??? IDK
Use of block detachments - 200,000 dead
‘Mine sweepers’ - 430,000 dead
How many factories did the people of the USSR rebuild east of the urals?
1500 factories!!
Over 1 million railway wagons needed!
Stalin’s reckless assault to recapture Charkov, Ukraine 194
Week of fighting, RA surrounded by Nazis.
1 million captured, 1200 tanks destroyed.
Only then did he call off the offensive.
Dropped his demand for new territories, new focus: getting foreign allies! USA / GB.
Mid 1942 - Nazi resumed offensive. Focus: Caucasus region, Russia’s oil.
But Stalin’s military naivety - assumed Hitler was still really after Moscow!
Lost 600,000 prisoners! Thousands of tanks.
Battle of Stalingrad
2 million German and USSR troops locked in struggle to death!
Hitler ordered for whole of male pop to be killed, female pop deported!
How many children were evacuated from Leningrad?
400,000 children evacuated!
How many people died under Order No 271 ?
Introduction of blocking detachments - 200,000 dead.
Intro of minesweepers - 430,000 dead
Conditions in Siege of Leningrad. Rationing & Food
- 1/3 of needed grain / coal
- 1/2 of meat
- 1/12 of sugar
- Rationing: people only got 10% of their daily calorific intake!
- Bread contained only 50% of normal amount of rye
Stats on The Road of Life?
Frozen Lake Yagoda
200 miles long, took 27 days to build, thousands of LG citizens built in
Ice needed to be 200 mm thick to carry weight of trucks
On Nov 26th - 8 lorries passed across, gathered 33 tons of food! Big achievement, BUT the city needed 1000 tons of food a day to function. Later, lorries would carry 100 tons of food.
Average time survived when fighting at Battle of Stalingrad?
Only 24 hours!!!!!
Stalin’s military purges during the war = dumb!
By Oct 1941, had purged 300 more commanders!