key quotes in philosophy and christianity Flashcards
this all men speak of as…
why God is the first cause, forst mover and the necessary being etc…
God is a being than which….
ontological argument
no greater can be concieved
anselm’s prayer
The marks of design are…
design argument
too strong to be gotten over
Natural theology by Paley, said God had to have a designer
simplicity is…
design argument
always evidence for truth
swinburne, said the simplest explanation is always the most likely
a wise man…
design argument
proportions his beliefs to his evidence
Hume, doesnt require God to have the world
if God is willing but unable to…
prevent evil, then he is impotent, if he is able but not willing, he is malevolent. Is he both willing and able? then whence is evil?
Epicurus - known as the epicurean paradox on why theres evil.
he would be like an…
overprotective parent who will not let his child out of his sight for a moment.
Swinburne in the existence of God - why he does not intervene
what is the definition of unnecessary evil?
Rowe’s evidential POE
“intense human and animal suffering that occurs on a daily basis and is in great plentitude in our world”
william rowe on the definition of evil, supports evidential POE
the vale of…
Hick’s soul making theodicy
I saw nothing with…
religious experiences
the eyes of the body, nothing with the eyes of the mind
theresa of avila, talking about how she felt Jesus’ presence
what one seems to percieve…
religious experiences
is probably so
swinburne - goes back to simplest explanation is probs right
religion is the process of …
religious experience
unconscious wish fulfilment
freud - religious experience is an illusion caused by core beliefs manif
a miracle is…
hume, miracles
a transgression of a law of nature by the particular volition of a deity
defines miracles then rips the argument for them apart
wiles - miracles dont occur because they are …
“religiously unsatisfactory in the view of their highly selective character”
wiles is a deist, no miracles, only miracle is the miracle of creation
i think …
SD&A phil
therefore I am
descartes, substance dualism
when i die, I shall…
SD&A phil
rot, and nothing of my ego will survive
Russell - we die, thats it, too much credit to ourselves if not
no sentence which purpotes to…
Religious language
describe the nature of God can possess any literal significance
ayer, logical positivism, verification principle
they die a…
religious language
death of a thousand qualifications
flew, falsification, parable of the gardener
i am the first and…
I am the last; apart from me there is no God
monotheism quote to support
the lord our God, …
the lord is one.
mark 1:10
you are my son, and with you i am well pleased
trinity - son, father, spirit are 3 things etc etc
John 10:30
the father and I are one
apostles creed
god as father
the father almighty, creator of heaven and earth…
Jesus Christ, his only son, our Lord
father of all things, father of Jesus
for god so …
God as love
loved the world that he gave his one and only son
Loving and personal sacrifice
genesis 2
SDA glorifying God
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life
breathed life into adam, part of God, must glorify him
what you did for…
judgement SDA
the least of my brethren you did for me
parable of the sheep and goats, end goal of christians
thy kingdom come…
SDA kingdom on earth
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
need to bring about Gods kingdom through good works and conversions
the earthly body…
ressurection SDA
of christ was recieved into heaven
resurrection in the flesh, no changes christ just re-alived so same 4 us
its sown…
SDA ressurection
a physical body, its raised a spiritual body
spiritual ressurection
we shall not die but…
SDA ressurection
we shall all be changed
spiritual ressurection more likely than flesh - st Paul
hell is…
SDA afterlife
the condition of everlasting separation from God
not doom paintings or like dantes inferno, more a sentiment
heaven is…
SDA afterlife
the endless moment of love
again not a physical place, but more of a spiritual sentiment
the mind is …
SDA afterlife
its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven
John Milton from Paradise Lost, about how we can understand God when POE
unless one is born of…
expressions of religious identity
water and the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God
john, the importance of baptism
matthew 28:19
make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit
this is my body given for you;…
holy communion
do this in remembrance of me
breaking the bread is symbolic of jesus’ body breaking on the cross
this cup is…
holy communion
the new covanent in my blood, which is poured out for you
new covanent formed between jesus and disciples, God and humans in HC
as the father has sent me…
mission of the church
even so I send you
need to make disciples of all nations etc etc