Key Quotations - Clare Flashcards
Clare’s handwriting (P1 Chp1)
‘Its almost illegible scrawl seemed out of place and alien
Clare being adventurous (P1 Chp1)
‘Stepping always on the edge of danger’
Clare’s childhood (P1 Chp1)
‘A pale small girl sitting on a ragged blue sofa, sewing pieces of bright red cloth together, while her drunken father…raged threateningly up and down the shabby room’
Clare frightened of her father (P1 Chp1)
‘The child had edged herself and her poor sewing over to the farthermost corner of the sofa’
Clare’s reaction to her father’s death (P1 Chp1)
‘Staring down at the familiar pasty white face of her parent with a sort of disdain in her slanting black eyes’
Describing Clare (P1 Chp1)
‘Catlike. Certainly that was the word which best described Clare Kendry’
Clare being lonely (P1 Chp1)
‘For I am lonely, so lonely…’
Clare’s feeling about Irene (P1 Chp2)
‘Determined to impress firmly and accurately each detail of Irene’s features’
Clare when speaking about the past (P1 Chp2)
‘Clare made a small mischievous grimace and proceeded’
Clare being convincing to Irene (P1 Chp3)
‘Where have you been?…Can you be here around four?…What? But, ‘Rene, you promised! Just for a little while…’
Clare wanting to come back to her roots (P2 Chp2)
‘You behaved beautifully that day…that has made me want to see other people’
Clare’s loneliness (P2 Chp2)
‘I’ve been so lonely since! You can’t know. Not close to a single soul. Never anyone to really talk to.’
Explaining how she wants to reconnect with the Black community (P2 Chp2)
‘You can’t realise how I want to see Negroes, to be with them again, to talk with them, to hear them laugh’
Clare remaining what she’s always been (P2 Chp2)
‘She had remained almost what she had always been, an attractive, somewhat lonely child - selfish, wilful, and disturbing’
Black community’s reaction to Clare (P2 Chp4)
‘She was generally liked. She was so friendly and responsive’
Clare’s lack of maternal instincts (P2 Chp4)
‘Children aren’t everything’
Masked face (P3 Chp1)
‘Clare’s ivory face was what it always was, beautiful and caressing. Or maybe today a little masked’
Sneaking around her husband (P3 Chp4)
‘Jack had to run down to Philadelphia unexpectedly, so here I am’