Key Question - Why did the My Lai Massace occur? Flashcards
When did it occur?
March 16th 1968
What happened in the MLM?
150 soldiers led by LT. Calley stormed the hamlet of ML and 4hrs later more than 500 civilians were dead.
Why was it so horrific?
They had not encountered a single enemy soldier and only 3 weapons were confiscated
What was LT. Calley’s defense?
He had followed orders given by Captain Medina
Calley was initially sentenced to life but
it was overturned and he only served 4 1/2 years
Calley’s sentence was overturned because…
the appeal judges believed that Calley honestly believed he was obeying orders
Social psychology is interested in the the MLM because
it can use it to try and explain why this occurred as it is essential for society to greater understand the soldier’s behaviour.
The MLM implies
that court proceedings and punishments for those that commit similar offences should change if an explanation beyond the control of the individual is accepted, preventative measures can also be devised
The military can also be aware what causes blind obedience so
training of new soldiers can account for this and try to prevent it
How can Milgram’s (1963) experiment explain the MLM?
> 65% obeyed to an authority figure - electric shocks - not something they would do ordinarily
Shows authority figures create high obedience rates - LT Calley = Authority figure - some didn’t obey, similar to the 35%
How does Adorno et al’s (1950) theory of authoritarian personality explain the MLM?
> LT Calley - known to be constantly trying to please Capt. Medina - potentially harsh upbringing, Army = US Vietnamese = Them, projecting anger onto them
How does culture explain the MLM?
Culture may have existing social norms that legitimise prejudice - USA was v prejudiced to blacks,
>Kats and Braly found American students thought blacks were superstitious and ignorant
How does situation explain the MLM?
> When not under authority they played with the children and treated the sick - suggests its the situation
Momentum of compliance - as requests increased, soldiers felt bound to continue
How does Social Impact Theory explain the MLM?
> Immediacy - Commanders were with them supervising so were close in proximity, distance couldn’t act as a physical buffer
Strength - wore diff. uniform - high status, perceived as legit
How does Social Identity Theory explain the MLM?
Identification - uniform, complying to commanders, rituals
Comparison - see army as better, Vietcong sympathisers - out group, any Vietnamese was enemy, self concept wrapped with in group, enhances self esteem
How does RCT explain the MLM?
Competition over Vietnam, war = one winner, one loser - zero sum, same goal in sight - political power, believed every Vietnamese was to blame, prejudice - discrimination, many Vietcong didn’t wear uniform - hated outgroup
How do Milgram’s variations 7 and 13 explain MLM?
EX7- closeness - 22.5% when orders given by phone - proximity matters
EX13- ordinary man - 20% LT Calley of high status, status matters
How does Agency Theory explain the MLM?
> autonomously- those who disobeyed directed their own behaviour - knew they were responsible
agentically - those who gave in, passed responsibility, their conscience not in control
moral strain - feeling uncomfortable, alleviated by giving in