Key Period 7a Flashcards
- Anglo-Saxonism and the White Man’s Burden
- Used for justification of imperialism
- An obligation to lesser nations
- Effective advertisement prompted this spread
- Treaty of Kanagawa
- 1854 U.S Commodore Mathew Perry
- Usage of military forces in allowing American ships to refuel at two ports in Japan
- Open Door Policy
- U.S Secretary of State John Hay
- All nations seeking to do business in China should have equal trade access
- Annexation of Hawaii
- Forced abdication of Hawaii’s last monarch Lili oukalani
- 1898 by the committee of safety
- U.S.S Maine
- Sent to Cuba to protect American interests
- Mysteriously explodes found to be an accident
- Yellow Journalism
- Fake articles mainly for the companies benefit in sales
- Preferred for its wild stories and entertainment
- Anti-imperialist League
- Carnegie/Twain/Gompers
- Control over land far away with large populations
- Strain on American resources harming business and labor
- Teller Amendment
- The U.S would give Cuba it’s freedom after defeating Spain
- Emilio Aguinaldo
- Philippine American War
- Philippine War
- Used guerrilla warfare to aiding America in the Spanish American war
- Rough Riders
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Had mixed type of people with wide variety of abilities
- In battle of San Juan Hill
- Jingoism
- Extreme nationalism/patriotism
- Result of Spanish American war
Ex. Stripes and Stars forever (John Phillip Sousa)
- Platt Amendment
- Ensure U.S envoy enemy in Cuban affairs
Ex. Set up naval base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba
- Insular Cases
- SCOTUS cases
- Concern status of territory acquired after the Spanish American war
- Big Stick Policy
- By Roosevelt
- Threatening style to benefit American imperialism
- Panama Canal
- A canal connecting trade between the Atlantic and pacific oceans
- Built by U.S army gave naval base quick access to the pacific provided commanding position in Western Hemisphere
- Roosevelt Corollary
- U.S as “policemen” in Caribbean region and intervene in the affairs of nations guilty of “wrong doing or impotence” In order to protect U.S interest in Latin America
- Extension of Monroe Doctrine
- Great White Fleet
- Roosevelt’s fleet of naval ships
- Made from steel and painted white
- Caused fear in other countries
- Gentlemen’s Agreement
- During the fear of “Yellow Peril”
- Agreement with China to allow schooling for Chinese in America but no more immigration
- Sussex Ultimatum
- Promise made by Germany to the US that Germany would warn if they torpedo marine ships but not submarines
- Zimmerman Telegram
- Dispatch From Zimmerman urged Mexico to join central powers if U.S joined the Army
- Published by American Newspaper
- Outraged American public
- Jeanette Rankin
- First US Congress woman
- Against the America joining the war
- Committee On Public Information
- By Woodrow Wilson
- increase support for American participation. In the war
- National propaganda machine helped create a political climate intolerant of dissent
- Espionage Act and Sedition Act
- Prosecution of “spies”
- Eugene v. Debs
- Wartime law that prohibited behavior resistant to the U.S or help its enemies
- Scheneck v. United States
- Limitation of free speech is limited when posing “clear present danger”
- Industrial Workers of the World (“Wobblies”)
- Umbrella union and radical political group
- Dedicated group of unskilled workers opposed of capitalism
- Advocated direct action by workers (sabotage / strike)
- National War Labor Board
- Federal agency founded, established 8 hour day for workers
- endorsed equal pay for women supported workers rights to unionize
- Food Administration
- Administration of food for US allies overseas
- Stabilizing the exotic price of the American market
- Fourteen Points
- New world order by Wilson
- Basis for peace negotiation at Versailles
- Open diplomacy, freedom of seas, free trade, territorial integrity, arms reduction, national slept determination, creation of League of Nations
- Treaty of Versailles
- Ended WWI
- Redrew map of the world, assigned Germany sole responsibility
- Long term impact around globe
- Irreconcilable
- Small group of senators against the passing of the treaty of Versailles
- Article X and the League of Nations
- International organization of world governments to prevent future hostility, aftermath of WWI
- The Dawes Plan
- Law gave native Americans severally by dividing reservations and homestead
- Disaster for natives
- Washington Disarmament Conference
- All naval powers invited except Russia
- Declares pause to construction of battleships
- Kellogg-Briand Pact
- General treaty for reunification of war
- Agreement that countries would not use war to solve conflict
- Ohio Gang
- Happens by G. Harding
- Similar to spoils system
- Harding does not recognize as corrupt
- Teapot Dome Scandal
- Inferior secretary AlbertFall accepted bribe for leading oil reserves
- Part of a larger pattern of corruption that marred Hardings presidency
- Red Scare
- Anticommunist hysteria after WWI
- Led to government raids on alleged subversives and suppression of civil liberties
- Palmer Raids
- Led by General A. Mitchell Palmer on radical organizations
- Federal agents arrested citizens and aliens and denied them access to legal counsel
- Sacco and Vanzetti
- Accused blatantly for murder (Italian)
- Found guilty but one was innocent
- KKK (1920)
- New KKK more followers and not secretive
- Persecution of immigrants due to red scare
- Emergency Quota Act and National Origins Act
- Law limit to immigration especially from south and Eastern Europe
- Eighteenth Amendment and the Volstead Act
- Speakeasies
- Scopes “Monkey Trial”
- Trial of John scopes for violating his states ban on teaching evolution
- Created nationwide media frenzy, showdown between urban and rural values
- Henry Ford’s Model T
- A cheaper and more affordable model of car
- Revolutionized the standard living of the middle class and rich
- Charles Lindbergh
- Jazz Age
- Unique American music form developed in New Orleans
- Musicians developed an ensemble improvised style
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Writter of The Great Gatsby
- Coined the Jazz age
- Model the young sociable class of 1920
- Flappers
- Young women of 1920 defined conventional standards
- Short skirts, makeup, freely spending money earned latest fashion dancing to jazz flaunt earring liberated lifestyle
- The Jazz Singer
- The Lost Generation
- By writer Gertrude Stein to refer to young artist and writers who suffered WWI
- Felt alienated from Americas mass culture society
- Great Migration
- Migration of African Americans from rural south to industrial cities of north during and after WWI
- Marcus Garvey and United Negro Improvement Agency
- Harlem Renaissance
- A flourishing of African American artists writers and intellectuals and social leaders in Harlem
- Langston Hughes
- Zoe’s Neale Hurston
- The Influence of Sea Power on History
- Strong navel power between nations
- The strongest navy is known to be the strongest nation