key muscles of the hip (I and A) Flashcards
origin: the fusion of the psoas muscle and iliacus muscles
insertion: lesser trochanter of femur
action: flexes thigh at hip, flexes trunk
gluteus maximus
origin: gluteal surface of ilium
insertion: illiotibial tract and gluteal tuberosity of femur
action: extend, lat rotate, abduct, adduct thigh at hip
gluteus minimus
origin: gluteal surface of ilium
insertion: anterior aspect of greater trochanter of femur
action: thigh abduction and internal rotation, pelvis stabilisation
tensor fascia latae
origin: outer lip anterior ilia crest, anterior superior iliac spine
insertion: lateral condyle of tibia via iliotibial tract
action: thigh internal rotation, leg external rotation, stabilises hip and knee
adductor magnus
origin: inferior pubic ramus, ramus, ischial tuberosity
insertion: gluteal tuberosity, medial supracondyle line, linea aspera
action: adducts, flexes and extends thigh at hip joint
adductor brevis
origin: body of pubis and inferior pubic ramus
insertion: proximal one third of medial lip of linea aspera of femur
action: adducts thigh at hip joint
adductor longus
origin: anterior surface of body of pubis
insertion: middle one third of medial lip of linea aspera of femur
action: adducts thigh at hip joint
origin: body of the pubis and inferior pubic ramus
insertion: medial aspect of proximal part of tibia
action: flexes medially, rotates leg at knee joint, adduction
gluteus medius
origin: gluteal surface of ilium
insertion: lateral aspect of greater trochanter of femur
action: thigh abduction, internal rotation, pelvis stability
origin: superior pubic ramus
insertion: pectineal line of femur
action: adducts and flexes thigh at hip joint