Key Knowledge 8 Flashcards
lymph node
a small secondary lymphoid tissue found throughout the body where antigen-presenting cells activate the adaptive immune system
clonal selection
the process in which B and T cells encounter an antigen that matches their antigen-binding site, and then generate many copies of themselve
afferent lymphatic vessel
thin-walled structures that collect lymph from the tissues of the body and deliver it to lymph nodes
efferent lymphatic vessels
thin-walled structures that collect lymph that has drained through
lymph nodes, returning it back to circulation
natural immunity
protection against a disease formed without medical intervention
artificial immunity
protection against a disease formed as a result of medical intervention. Also known as induced immunity
active immunity
protection against a disease created by antibodies and memory cells formed by a person’s own adaptive immune system
passive immunity
protection against a disease created by antibodies from an external source natural
natural active immunity
protection against a disease created by antibodies and memory cells produced by an individual’s own immune system without medical intervention. Also known as naturally acquired active immunity
natural passive immunity
protection against a disease created by antibodies from an
external non-medical source. Also known as naturally acquired
passive immunity
artificial active immunity
protection against a disease created by antibodies and memory cells produced by an individual’s own immune system after medical intervention. Also known as artificially acquired active immunity
a medical treatment typically containing antigens designed to stimulate a person’s adaptive immune system to create immunity to a pathogen without actually causing disease
primary immune response
the reaction of the adaptive immune system to an antigen it
has not previously been exposed to
secondary immune response
the heightened reaction of the adaptive immune system to an
antigen it has previously been exposed to
booster vaccine
a vaccination given to a person later in time after they have completed their initial vaccination program to enhance their existing immunity against a disease. Also known as a booster shot
artificial passive immunity
protection against a disease created by antibodies from an external medical source. Also known as artificially acquired passive immunity
a medical treatment containing antibodies specific to the toxins present in venomous bites or stings
herd immunity
protection against a disease conferred to non-immune individuals when a high percentage of a population is immune to the same disease. Herd immunity is often achieved through high rates of vaccination
Primary lymphoid tissues
Responsible for the creation and maturation of lymphocytes.
The production of B and T lymphocytes occurs in the bone marrow.
-B lymphocytes remain in the bone marrow to mature further
-T lymphocytes travel to the thymus to mature.
Secondary lymphoid tissues
are responsible for maintaining mature lymphocytes and initiating the adaptive immune response.
The main secondary lymphoid tissues include the lymph nodes (e.g. tonsils) and the spleen. In these tissues, mature lymphocytes are clustered together and ‘scan’ passing lymph for the presence of any pathogens or antigen-presenting cells. If a foreign antigen matches the receptors of specific lymphocytes, these lymphocytes then undergo clonal selection and differentiation.
This results in a large number of B and T cells being created within these tissues, resulting in the characteristic swelling of lymph nodes when you’re sick