Key issues for the Elderly Flashcards
- Key issues for the elderly
Autonomy and rights
Advance directives
Legal issues specific to long term care
Ethical Issues in Gernontiolgical Nursing
A legal term referring to the ability to fulfill one’s role and handle one’s affairs in a responsible manner
Decision making capacity
Measure of a persons ability. to make informed and logical decision regarding particular aspect of their care
Guardianship divided into
Partial guardianship or full guardianshiop
Partial guardian ship
The incompetent person continues to make limited decisions
Full guardianship
A person loses all his right to make decisions
This applies when an older adult no longer has the capacity to make a decision on financial matters
advance directives
Legally binding documents that allow competent peopel to document what medical care they would or would not want to receive if they were not capable of making decisions and /or communicating their wishees
Examples of Advanced directives
Medical orders for scope of treatment (MOST) (I.e. DNR)
Representation agreement/living will
Representation agreement
To guide decisions abt care that is provided or withehleed under certain circumstances USUALLY at the end of life
Example of ethical issues in gerontolical issues
Use of restraints
Examples of restraints
Wheelchairs, recliners, bedrails
Artificial nutrition and hydrations: Using methods of bypassing the upper gastrointestinal system to deliver nutritional substances
Examples of ANH
Percutaneous endoscopic gastromy tube
Jejunostomy tube
Nasogastric tube (No surgery needed)
Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) via central intravenous catheter (Into large vein)
Hypodermocylsis (Subcutaneous delivery of fluids)
Which BIll is responsible for MAID
Bill C-14
How many forms of MAID are permitted under the criminal code
Types of maid
Practitioner administered
Person self-administered
Eligibility criteria
A person must meet ALL criteria to qualify
Three roles related to MAID
Determining eligibility (RN not involved)
Providing MAID (Phys. or NP)
Aiding in the provision of made (RN)
Do nurses have to participate in MAID
Never against their will
Role of nurses in MAID
Limited to aiding a physician or nurse practitioner in the provision of medical assistance to dying
RN is not allowed to prescribe, compound, dispense or administer any substance intended for medical assistance in dying
Role of nurses regarding legal and ethical issues
Promote adcance care planning
Implement Advance directives
Facilitate decisions abt care
Promoting Caregiver wellness
Senior abuse
A generic term referring to a wide variety of harms to older adults committed by a person or persons they know and would normally have reason to trust
Perpetrator risk factors for elder abuse and neglect
Mental illness
Financial dependency on victim
Victim risk factors for elder abuse and neglect
Cognitive impairment/dementia
Problem behaviours
Disability (Physical, communicative)
Physical dependency
Finicial dependency
Shared living arrangements
Isolation or lack of social support
Types of abuse
Physical abuse
Physical abuse
Inflicting or threatening to inflict physical pain or injury on a vulnerable elder, or depriving him or her of a basic need
Emotional abuse can look like (perpetrator)
Not considering residents wishees
Not repsecting a residents belongings
Spekaing in a different language in front of resisdent
Spiritual abuse
Denial of a residents right to spiritual practices
Financial exploitation
Illegal taking, misuse of concealment of funds, property or assets of a vulnerable elder
The refusal or failure by those presonsible to provide food shelter health care or protection to a vulnerable elder
Why do elders not report abuse
Worry what will happen if ause becomes known
Unable to express themselves
Suspecting and reporting elder abuse
Mandatory reporting laws do not require reporters to know whether abuse or neglect has occurred bu t to report if they suspect its occurrence