Key Features of Australopithecines Flashcards
What is their cranial capacity?
400 - 500cc
What is the cranial shape?
Low and flat frontal
High degree of post orbital constriction
Low and narrow parietals
Smaller brain = smaller frontal and parietal lobes
What is the cranial shape?
Part 2
Wide zygomatic arch
Prominent supra-orbital ridge
Flat nasal bridge (where glasses would sit if they had noses)
What are the facial features?
Lower facial prognathism
Receding chin
What are the dental features?
Moderate canines
Canine diastema “gap”
Shallow palate
U-shaped dental arcade
What is the Ardipithecus exception?
Foot has grasping first digit
What is the Australopithecus afarensis exception?
Early findings of earlier tool making to get meat/animal parts at 3.3 mya
What is the Australopithecus garhi exception?
Was making tools to get animal parts