Lateral Magnification
M magnification
Y’ image height
Y object height
If m>1 Image is magnified
If m<1 Image is demagnified
If m is positive, Image is upright
If m is negative, Image is inverted
Focal length for a spherical mirror:
Half of the radius of curvature for a spherical mirror.
f= 0.5R concave f= -0.5R convex
The mirror equation:
1/s + 1/s’ = 1/f
S distance from object to mirror
S’ distance from Image to mirror
F mirror focal length
Lensmakers Equation:
1/f = (n-1)(1/R1 - 1/R2)
f focal length
n Refractive index
R1 Radius of first curvature
R2 Radius of second curvature
If f is positive, converging lens
If f is negative, diverging lens
F-number (light gathering capacity) of a lens:
Focal length/aperture diameter
Angular magnification for a simple magnifier:
M= theta’/theta= (y/f)/(y/25) = 25cm/f
Overall angular magnification for a microscope:
Lateral magnification*Angular Magnification
Overall magnification for a telescope:
Numerical Aperture:
N refractive index
Alpha angle
Apparent depth can be found using:
Na/s + Nb/s’ = Nb-Na/R
Double slit
Ym=R (mlambda)/d
Amplitude in two source interference
Ep = 2E|cos(phase angle/2)|
Intensity in two source interference
I0cos^2 phase angle/2
Phase difference
2pi/lambda * path difference
Constructive reflection thin film
Destructive reflection thin film
2t= (m+0.5) lambda