Key definitions Flashcards
A natural material that can be exploited for personal use and gain
Resource security
The ability to maintain a steady flow of resources to maintain living standards, while ensuring economic and social development
Can be national or global
Stock resource
Can be permanently expended
Expressed in absolute amounts
Flow resource
Renewable and replaceable resource
Expressed in annual rates of regeneration
Measured reserves
Physical characteristics help estimate reserves with confidence
If proved correct - a proven reserve
Indicated reserves
Physical characteristics help estimate future viability
Can turn into a probable reserve
Inferred resource
Reserves can be estimated only on samples
Can turn into a possible reserve
Possible resource
Based on broad knowledge
Could be a hypothetical resource - so expected to be there
Could be a speculative resource - so no evidence of actually being there
Searching an area with intention of finding natural resources
Using natural resources to the fullest or most profitable use
Sustainable development
Controlled resource management to ensure current level of exploitation doesn’t compromise future generations’ ability
Resource frontier
An area where resources are brought into production for the first time
Resource frontier model
Friedman - Core periphery model
Attracts wealth and investment due to location to resources (the capital)
Upward - transitional area
Many natural resources and agricultural spreading from the core
Downward - transitional area
Underdeveloped, fails to attract growth
Resource frontier
Natural resources present - sees economic and investment growth
Resource frontier examples (2)
Scotland as a resource frontier
Scotland far away from London
1980’s North Sea oil turned it into a resource frontier
Attracting investment
Alaska as a resource frontier
Trans-Alaskan oil pipeline
Resource peak
A time of maximum rate of production of a resource
Hubbert’s statement and predictions
Statement - conventional resources have a peak, then a decline, following a bell shaped curve
Predicted the 1970’s American Oil boom and then its subsequent fall to 1940’s levels in the early 2000s
Fracking caused a second boom.