Key debate 2: How violent were the Western rebels? Flashcards
Key points:
- Rebels were violent
- Rebels were not violent
In arguing that the rebels were violent:
- Cornish rebels started by attacking and robbing the gentry who had retreated to St Michael’s Mount.
- Inflammatory nature of the rebels demands, ‘We will have to the murder of the gentry.
- Shouted ‘Kill the Gentlemen’ at Bodmin.
- Murdered any gentry who resisted them.
- Provided strong resistance to government forces.
- Refused to negotiate with the gentry, even though there was some evidence that the gentry had sympathy with the rebel’s religious grievances that religion should remain as HVIII had left it until Edward came of age.
In arguing that the rebels were not violent or were provoked into violence by the action of government forces:
- Arguable that the rebel behaviour was encouraged by the hostility of the government forces they faced – did not force their way into the regional capital like Kett’s.
- Gov set fire to rebel defences at Crediton.
- Divisions within the gentry over tactics encouraged the rebels to be more aggressive.
- Carried the five wounds of Christ – as had the peaceful PoG.
- The brutal treatment that followed the suppression suggests that the rebels were right to be fearful of the government.
- Gov acted illegally, executed without trial and confiscated property.