Key Concepts Flashcards
An unambiguous specification of how to solve a class of problems
The dependence of the state of a system on its history.
A property of a system such that an output value is not a strict function of the corresponding input, but also incorporates some lag, delay, or history dependence, and in particular when the response for a decrease in the input variable is different from the response for an increase.
In control systems, ___ can be used to filter signals so that the output reacts less rapidly than it otherwise would, by taking recent history into account. For example, a thermostat controlling a heater may switch the heater on when the temperature drops below A, but not turn it off until the temperature rises above B. (For instance, if one wishes to maintain a temperature of 20 °C then one might set the thermostat to turn the heater on when the temperature drops to below 18 °C and off when the temperature exceeds 22 °C).
___ is a time interval between the stimulation and response, or, from a more general point of view, a time delay between the cause and the effect of some physical change in the system being observed
In digital numeral systems, the ___ is the number of unique digits, including the digit zero, used to represent numbers in a positional numeral system. For example, for the decimal/denary system (the most common system in use today) the ___ is ten, because it uses the ten digits from 0 through 9.
In any standard positional numeral system, a number is conventionally written as (x)y with x as the string of digits and y as its base, although for base ten the subscript is usually assumed (and omitted, together with the pair of parentheses), as it is the most common way to express value. For example, (100)10 is equivalent to 100 (the decimal system is implied in the latter) and represents the number one hundred, while (100)2 (in the binary system with base 2) represents the number four.
Radix or base number
The modern form of the metric system, and is the most widely used system of measurement.
It comprises a coherent system of units of measurement built on seven base units, which are the ampere, kelvin, second, metre, kilogram, candela, mole, and a set of twenty prefixes to the unit names and unit symbols that may be used when specifying multiples and fractions of the units.
The system also specifies names for 22 derived units, such as lumen and watt, for other common physical quantities.
The International System of Units (SI, abbreviated from the French Système international (d’unités))
Conforming to a general rule or acceptable procedure.
Of or relating to a clergyman who is a ___
___ is the concept of things being transitory, existing only briefly. Typically the term ___ is used to describe objects found in nature, although it can describe a wide range of things, including human artifacts intentionally made to last for only a temporary period, in order to increase their perceived aesthetic value. With respect to unique performances, for example, it has been noted that “___ is a quality caused by the ebb and flow of the crowd’s concentration on the performance and a reflection of the nostalgic character of specific performances”. Because different people may value the passage of time differently, “the concept of ___ is a relative one”
Ephemeral or ephemerality (from Greek - ephemeros, literally “lasting only one day”)
Any approach to problem solving or self-discovery that employs a practical method, not guaranteed to be optimal, perfect, logical, or rational, but instead sufficient for reaching an immediate goal. Where finding an optimal solution is impossible, impractical (beyond our practical capabilities), these methods can be used to speed up the process of finding a satisfactory solution. They can be mental shortcuts that ease the cognitive load of making a decision. Examples include using a rule of thumb, an educated guess, an intuitive judgment, a guesstimate, profiling, or common sense.
Heuristic technique (/hjʊəˈrɪstɪk/; Ancient Greek: εὑρίσκω, “find” or “discover”), often called simply a heuristic
Word combinations that have a different figurative meaning than the literal meanings of each word or phrase. They can be confusing for people learning a language as they don’t mean what they say.
For example: “He’s as cool as a cucumber” is an everyday ___.
Problem-solving principle that essentially states that simpler solutions are more likely to be correct than complex ones. When presented with competing hypotheses to solve a problem, one should select the solution with the fewest assumptions
Occam’s razor
An adjective in English that describes something that was randomly determined.
The word first appeared in English to describe a mathematical object called a ___ process, but now in mathematics the terms ___ process and random process are considered interchangeable.
A ___ is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent’s argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be “attacking a ___”.
Straw man
___ is in a way that relates only slightly to a matter; peripherally.
In mathematics, computer science and physics, a ___ system is a system in which no randomness is involved in the development of future states of the system. A ___ model will thus always produce the same output from a given starting condition or initial state.
___ is an informal fallacy that states: “Since event Y followed event X, event Y must have been caused by event X.”
___ is a particularly tempting error because correlation appears to suggest causality. The fallacy lies in a conclusion based solely on the order of events, rather than taking into account other factors potentially responsible for the result that might rule out the connection.
A simple example is “the rooster crows immediately before sunrise; therefore the rooster causes the sun to rise.”
Post hoc ergo propter hoc (Latin: “after this, therefore because of this”), often shortened to post hoc fallacy.
___ is the efficacy that connects one process or state, the ___, with another process or state, the effect, where the ___ is partly responsible for the effect, and the effect is partly dependent on the ___.
The ___, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970.
The game is a zero-player game, meaning that its evolution is determined by its initial state, requiring no further input. One interacts with the ___ by creating an initial configuration and observing how it evolves. It is Turing complete and can simulate a universal constructor or any other Turing machine.
The universe of the ___ is an infinite, two-dimensional orthogonal grid of square cells, each of which is in one of two possible states, alive or dead, (or populated and unpopulated, respectively). Every cell interacts with its eight neighbours, which are the cells that are horizontally, vertically, or diagonally adjacent. At each step in time, the following transitions occur:
- Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if by underpopulation.
- Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation.
- Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by overpopulation.
- Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
Game of Life, also known simply as Life
___ is when we concentrate on information that’s already tightly embedded in our minds. We usually use the ___ for concepts we already find familiar or comfortable.
Focused mode thinking
___ is what happens when you relax your attention and let your mind wander a bit. We use it to get a “big picture” understanding of something.
Diffuse mode thinking
___ are pieces of information that are connected by their common meaning
Memory chunks (chunking)
___ is when you mentally retrieve the main ideas of your learning material. It helps build new chunks of information.
This is a phenomenon that occurs when students incorrectly gauge their knowledge with certain information. These ___ are usually no fault of the students but rather the result of ineffective study methods.
Illusions of competence
___ is the development of a mechanized state of mind. Often called a problem solving set, ___ refers to a person’s predisposition to solve a given problem in a specific manner even though better or more appropriate methods of solving the problem exist.
The ___ effect is the negative effect of previous experience when solving new problems.
To prevent ___, you want to avoid concentrating on product. Instead, your attention should be on building processes. The product is what triggers the pain that causes you to ___.
The first continuum reflects on how people digest new information.
The ___ types learn best by talking and interacting with others. By interacting with the physical world, ___ can process and make sense of new information.
The ___ types prefer quiet reflection and privacy. Information processing occurs for ___ as they explore ideas and concepts internally.
Extraverted (E) / Introverted (I) - Myers-Briggs
The second continuum reflects what people focus their attentions on.
___ types are good at concrete and tangible things. ___ types might enjoy a learning environment in which the material is presented in a detailed and sequential manner. ___ types often attend to what is occurring in the present, and can move to the abstract after they have established a concrete experience.
___ types are good at abstract things and ideas. ___ types might prefer a learning atmosphere in which an emphasis is placed on meaning and associations. Insight is valued higher than careful observation, and pattern recognition occurs naturally for ___ types.
Sensing (S) / Intuition (N) - Myers-Briggs
The third continuum reflects a person’s decision preferences.
___ types desire objective truth and logical principles and are natural at deductive reasoning.
___ types place an emphasis on issues and causes that can be personalized while they consider other people’s motives.
Thinking (T) / Feeling (F) - Myers-Briggs