Key concepts Flashcards
Akhirah is the belief in life after death and the Final Judgement of all humans before Allah.
Al-Qadr is predestination which means Allah has already decided the destiny of all things
Burkha is a loose-fitting garment which covers the whole body from head to feet. It is compulsory for women in some countries.
Hijab is the headscarf, veil or modest dress worn by many muslim women. They cover everything except face and hands in the sight of anyone other than immegiate family.
Eid (Id-ul-Fitr)
Eid is the celebration of breaking the fast on the day after ramadan ends.
Isa or Jesus
Isa is the last but one of Allahs prophets. He pointed forward to the coming of Muhammad.
Lesser Jihad
‘Jihad’ means to strive or struggle. Lesser Jihad is a struggle or ‘holy war’ in defense of Islam
Mecca is Islam’s holiest city and is in Saudi Arabia. It is the birthplace of Prophet Muhammad and where the Ka’ba is found.
Mosque in Arabic means a ‘place of prostration’ for Muslims. It is a communal place of worship for the muslim community.
Muhammad is the final prophet of Islam and so is called the Seal of the prophets. The Qur’an was revealed to him.
Prophet is a messanger of Allah who speaks the truth. There are 25 prophets in th Qur’an from the first Adam to the last Muhammad.
Ummah means ‘community’ and refers to the world wide community of muslims wo share a common religious identity.