Key concepts Flashcards
What is classical conditioning?
- learning through association
Who is ivan pavlov and what did he do?
- studied digestion in dogs, created theory of conditioning
-tried to see if a dog could be conditioned to salivate to a completely unrelated stimulus
-pavlov used a bell (NS) as it does not provide a behavioural response in dogs, paired this with food (UCS) to condition this new stimulus to produce the same response.
What is an unconditioned stimulus?
- any stimulus that produces a natural, unlearnt response (e.g food) (UCS)
What is a neutral stimulus?
-a thing which is not associated with the unconditioned response (e.g a bell) this can be any environmental stimulus that does not naturally produce a behavioural response. (NS)
What is an unconditioned response?
- any response that occurs naturally without learning (e.g. salivating to food) (UCR)
What is a conditioned stimulus?
- a new stimulus that has been associated with the UCS so that it now produces the same response on its own (CS)
What is a conditioned response?
- behaviour elicited by the conditioned stimulus (CR)
What happens before conditioning, stage 1?
- the unconditioned stimulus produces an unconditioned response (e.g. food (UCS) —–> salivation (UCR))
-the neutral stimulus is also used but it creates no response
(e.g. bell (NS) ——-> No response)
What happens during conditioning, stage 2?
-the neutral stimulus is associated with the unconditioned stimulus at which point it now becomes known as the conditioned stimulus to produce an unconditioned response
- (e.g. bell (NS) + food (UCS) ——–> Salivation(UCR)
What happens after conditioning, stage 3?
-conditioned stimulus has been associated with the unconditioned stimulus to create a conditioned response
- bell (CS) —–> salivation (CR))